Chapter 22 - Enchantress 🍋

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I clung onto Dabi shirt as I slowly opened my eyes. The bar was empty and quiet without the others.

Dabi laughed as he grabbed my neck pulling my face up to look at him. "That was priceless." He ran his thumb over my lips. "You changed your mind I see." He grinned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need somewhere to stay too. Can I stay with you for a couple of nights? I can pay you." I said feeling down his chest. "Unless you accept other forms of payment?" I said boldly feeling him through his pants.

He chuckled "If you can keep up with my demand, sure babe." He slowly let go of my face and took out his phone. "Here give me your phone, I'll give you everyone's numbers."

I paused for a moment. "Oh I don't have a phone anymore."

He raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

"I destroyed it." I said flatly.

Dabi burst out laughing. "Of course you did, I should have guessed." He said walking to the other side of the bar and getting a phone from one of the draws.

He handed it over to me. "Your just the right amount of crazy, you know that?" He said.

I couldn't help but smile at him.

Maybe this was where I belonged.

Dabi was texting someone on his phone who I could only assume was another member until he spoke. "Shigaraki said everything went well so we are done for the night." He said stretching his arms up.

"Oh we're far from done," I said pushing him into the bar. "I want you to fuck me until I've forgotten about my old life." I said pulling him into a kiss.

I closed my eyes and pushed my lips onto his. I activated my quirk and we teleported into Dabi's bedroom. I knew exactly where I was in the room without looking. It was as if I had lived here my whole life.

I pushed him back onto the bed and threw my backpack off letting it hit the wall before it slid to the ground.

Dabi looked into my eyes hungrily as I slowly took my jacket off.

"You know this is it, you can't go back to your old life now." He said sitting up on the bed.

"I don't want to go back to that life, this is my life now." I said taking my top off and dropping it down beside me. "And I know you don't want a relationship with me, but I'm not looking for a relationship either. That's not why I'm here." I said pulling my jeans down and stepping out of them.

I stood in front of him in my lingerie playing with the sides of my panties. "I just want to fuck you, and I know you want to keep fucking me too."

Dabi snickered, "Can't argue with that." He said getting up slightly only to pull me on top of him.

Our lips pressed together again as I fell on top of him. He firmly grabbed the backs of my thighs and rolled us over so he was on top.

"Welcome to the League, Enchantress." He smirked taking his jacket off.

I chuckled as I stretched my arms up over my head running them over the soft sheets enjoying the view while he continued to remove his shirt, pants and boxers.

I pushed one of my feet up onto his chest, he grabbed onto it and ran his hands down my leg. He pulled it over his shoulder as he climbed back on top of me.

He looked down on me and bit down on his bottom lip. "You look so fucking hot underneath me." He said looking down and running a hand over my stomach.

"I bet I look even better with you inside me." I whispered to him.

He lent his head back and let out a groan grabbing his dick with his other hand as he started to pump it slowly. "Fuck (F/N)" he moaned.

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