Chapter 69 - Manscape

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It was cold.

No cold is an understatement, it was freezing and I was all alone at the top of one of the highest buildings in the city. It felt about 10 degrees colder now that Dabi was gone.

I was shivering in my leather jacket as I rubbed the sleeves desperately trying to get warm.

"I'll be 10 minutes." I said mimicking Dabi's voice. "It's almost been half an hour. I'm freezing my tits off." I said to myself watching the smoke come out of my mouth as I spoke.

I looked around to try and see if I could see Hawks or Dabi and let out a grunt.

I heard something behind me and drew my gun towards the noise. "Don't move!" I yelled trying to sound threatening.

"Hey Enchantress, long time no see." Hawks said cheerfully as he walked over with a large black bag.

I rolled my eyes and returned the gun to my back pocket. "Why do you insist on meeting up on top of these stupid buildings?" I asked shivering slightly.

I started to rub my arms again to keep warm. Hawks chuckled and placed the bag on the ground in front of me.

"It's not that cold ya know." Hawks shrugged. "Where's Mr attitude?"

I looked around again. "I dono he said he would be back by now so it's anyone's guess."

Hawks hummed. "Hmmm did you wanna check the body out then?" He asked kneeling down to open the bag.

"Ehhhh Imma pass on that." I said scrunching up my nose. "Let's just wait for Dabi."

We stood there awkwardly in silence for another 5 minutes or so. I cupped my hands over my mouth and blew into them in an attempt to keep warm.

I heard Hawks chuckle again. I looked over and gave him some shade. A light breeze flew past and I almost winced in pain.

Hawks laughed out loud this time throwing his head back.

"What's so funny? I bet you'd be cold too without all those feathers, asshole!" I yelled defensively.

Hawks rolled his eyes. "Andddddd that's why I'm single." He chuckled as he took his jacket off and held it out to me.

I looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Cause you women are too needy." He said shaking his jacket at me.

"Hey! Don't lump us women all under the same umbrella. I'm pretty useless yes, but I wouldn't say I'm needy." I said feeling another cold gust of wind hit my face. "However, if your offering."

I quickly lunged out to take his jacket when he pulled it closer to him, taunting me. "What do ya say?" He said leaning his ear out to me.

I deadpanned him. "Give it to me."

He let out a huff and threw it over. "Your a villain I suppose I dono what kind of answer I was expecting. A please and thank you wouldn't go astray though." He said folding his arms.

I caught his warm jacket and quickly slid it on over mine. The wool on the inside of the jacket held Hawks warmth. I snuggled into it and popped the collar up around my cold exposed neck.

"Thanks." I muttered. "Your still a cocky asshole though." I pointed out.

"Treat em mean keep em keen aye Enchantress?" Hawks chuckled giving me a wink.

Wait I don't get it.... oh wait now I do....

"Oh I get it, your some big shot hero who's a bit of a ladies man. Relax I'm not interested in... your kind." I chuckled still snuggling the jacket.

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