Chapter 95 - Go slow

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His mouth opened slightly as his eyes began to glow. It was like I caught him in a trance, he was completely mesmerised by what I had said.

My fingers still pinched at his chin forcing him to continue to look at me.

"You do know this isn't actually going the first time you've had sex." He chuckled as his eyes still glowed.

My face lit up.

He continued to chuckle as he looked into my eyes. "What? What made you so happy all of a sudden?"

"You said this isn't going to be the first time I've had sex, so does that mean we are about to.... you know." I smiled.

"My god (F/N) your seriously killing me." He said with a smirk.

Wait... he just said my name.... that's my name.... I don't want to ruin the moment though....

"I don't get what's so wrong, you want me and I sure as hell want you." I said running a finger up to his lips.

He opened his mouth and licked my finger, slowly pulling his tongue over it. My lips also parted and a faint breath made its way out quivering with the lust that was building up inside me.

"You really want me to fuck you?" He asked pulling his tongue back in.

I couldn't talk, I must have lost the ability to after he asked me that question. I sucked my bottom lip in to bite it and nodded.

His hand lifted up and pulled mine away from his chin. "Just a fair warning I like being the alpha, you'll remember that though."

Wait.... am I really ready for this....

As if he could read my doubt Dabi asked me again. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

This time I was able to mutter some form of consent. "Yes.... please just yes."

He backed me up until the backs of my legs hit the bed and I fell back onto it with a squeal.

He chuckled. "You really can't remember any of the times we fucked before?"

I wasn't too sure if my response would anger him but I wanted to continue to be honest with him. I shook my head.

"How about I fuck those memories back into that pretty little head of yours." He smirked.

I gulped and sat myself up on the bed.

Oh god... what if I suck... can you be bad at sex.... is that a thing..... he said he likes being alpha... does that mean he's like a dominant or something.... oh god why didn't I google more before I came here....

He took his jacket off and it hit the floor with a thud. My body jolted snapping itself out of the trance I was in.

He unbuckled his belt and pulled it out to the side before letting it fall to the floor also. He was doing it slowly, sexily on purpose no doubt. It was like my own personal strip tease.

I couldn't help but think of Hawks for a split second though, only wondering why he would want to keep me from this beautiful, beautiful man.

In that moment of me thinking of Hawks Dabi had dropped his pants to the ground and taken his shirt off leaving only his briefs hugging his bulging package.

"Wait...." I gasped in a quick breath.

His thumbs were tucked in to the top band of his briefs when he paused.

What am I saying.... what am I doing... am I nervous...

"Can.... can you go slow?" I asked glancing down at his briefs. "Please?"

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