Chapter 59 - All Time Low

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It had been two months since I told Dabi that I slept with Chase. We still weren't exactly on speaking terms and it was pretty clear I wasn't handling the whole situation very well.... at all.

My body continued to hit against the cold bricked wall. It didn't matter how many times I did this, I still felt nothing.

"Are you on your phone?" He asked trying to keep his pace steady as my back continued to hit the cold wall.

"Yeah, are you almost done, I got somewhere I gotta be." I slurred as I continued to look at my phone.

He chuckled as he increased his pace. "It's true what they say about you, your brutal enchantress."

This made me stop as I looked up at him from my phone. "Wait, What do you mean Damien?" My voice was still slightly slurred.

"Oh nothing, and it's Simon." He chuckled again.

Wait where am I again?...ohhh that's right...

"Im gonna finish babe." He said as I felt him finish in the condom.

He slowly pulled out of me as he tried to catch his breath. I quickly pulled down my skirt and put my phone back in my pocket. My g-string was sitting around my knees so they didn't hit the gross alley floor. I quickly pulled them up as well.

"Oh yeah, I was actually being serious about the weed too. Did you have any?" I asked as I was almost about to walk back into the club.

He nodded as he picked his pants back up and held out a bag. "I normally charge around $300 cause it's the good stuff." He smirked.

I laughed. "Same, lets call it even then." I said snatching the bag and walking back into the club.

I stumbled back in and spotted Toga right where I had left her. She almost cringed when she saw me sit back down.

"Are you sure your okay sis?" Toga asked still concerned about how I had been acting the last few months.

I nodded and tried to roll the weed into a smoke in my drunken state.

"When was the last time you had something to eat?" She asked passing over some of the nuts that were sitting on the table.

I looked at them and then back up at Toga. "Yeah I ate before we came, I had a bottle of wine. It's practically like eating grapes." I chuckled as I took a fist full of the nuts and ate them. "Happy?" I said with my mouth full.

She chuckled and nodded. I rolled my eyes and tried to finish the nuts so I could start smoking the weed. I thought the drinking and that would help fill the empty void Dabi had left. It was totally not working.

"You told me not to do drugs, cause they were bad." Toga chuckled pointing to the blunt I just rolled.

Damn kids got a point...

"Yeah I know what I said." I replied quietly sinking into the chair as I lighted the end of the smoke. "Leave me alone."

I took a big puff and held the smoke in before releasing it out of my nose. Suddenly both of our phones went off. Toga quickly grabbed hers and looked at it while I took another puff.

"It's the boss. He wants us back at the base ASAP." She said getting up and touching my arm.


I closed my eyes and activated my quirk. When I opened them we were at the base with the other members. I had seen Dabi a few times but we hadn't spoken since that night he threw me out. I still had the scar on my arm to prove it.

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