Chapter 61 - Rebound?

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I quietly made my way back into my room and got into the shower fully clothed. I turned the water on and sank onto the floor curling up into a ball.

I was bad when Alex cheated on me but this was a whole new level of sorrow for me. I felt shattered, Dabi's words stung me so much more than Alex's cheating ever did. Which made me wonder if I even liked Alex really.

"He felt nothing." I said softly to myself as the water continued to run over me.

I let out a sigh. "My life is such a mess right now. I need to start getting my shit together."

I slowly picked myself up and took my soaking wet clothes off so I could shower properly. After a while I turned off the shower and changed letting my body flop onto my bed. I turned to face the door. I suppose it's hard to get over someone when they live only a few metres away from you.

I felt my eyes slowly getting heavy until I heard my phone ping.

"Oh god, what now." I moaned as I reached around in the dark for my phone.

When I finally found it i opened the messages expecting something from Shigaraki but it wasn't.

Kyle: Hey (F/N), it's Kyle. Sorry to message you so late I only just finished my shift at the hospital. I heard you might not be seeing Dabi anymore so I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime? I hope you've been doing well anyway.

I let out another moan and threw my phone onto the floor as I rolled into the sheets.

Maybe I just need to steer clear from men altogether for a while...

Again I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I pulled myself out of bed and made a bowl of cereal. I grabbed the bowl and my phone and sat out on the balcony to eat breakfast.

Hmmm so should I message Kyle back?...probably...

(F/N): Hey Kyle, yeah we're not together anymore. Thanks for the offer but I think I just need a week to myself.

That didn't come off rude did it?...

I sent the message and continued to eat my breakfast. It was nice sitting on the balcony in the fresh air not hungover for once. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.

So peaceful...

"OMG (F/N) YOUR AWAKE!" Toga yelled from her balcony.

I jumped and almost spilt the bowl of cereal I had all over me.

"Holy crap Toga, you scared the shit outta me." I screamed in fight.

Toga giggled as she sat on the chair on her balcony and ate her toast. "Sorry, I just didn't expect you to be awake or eating for that matter." She said with a mouth full of toast.

I looked into the bowl of cereal. "Yeah, I think I had a bit of a wake up call last night. I'm going to try and straighten myself out." I smiled looking up from the bowl to Toga.

She smiled back with bits of toast stuck in her teeth, I couldn't help but laugh. We both chatted for a while. Turned out her group found the equipment the doctor was after, it was something to help him make more nomu or something. After a while I went back inside my room.

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