Chapter 80 - Persuasion

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"Right.... so where is this all going down?" I asked nervously.

She smiled and flicked her hair over her shoulder. "He's meeting up with someone tonight at the piano bar in the city. Do you know where that is?"

I thought for a moment. "Oh yeah, I know that place. It's like a gentleman's bar isn't it?" I asked.

"Yeah that's the one, can you take us there hun?" She asked taking a step closer to me.

"Of course." I said awkwardly reaching out to touch her arm.

Why am I so awkward when I use my quirk...

I closed my eyes and heard her speak.

"I don't bite hun." She chuckled.

I've heard that before...

I activated my quirk and opened my eyes. We were in the alley out the back of the piano bar.

"Wow, your quirk really is amazing." She said with a smile.

I felt myself blush. "Oh thanks, it's not that great though." I said clearing my throat. "Anyway I think the entrance is around the corner."

Temptress hummed as she checked out the alley. "We might draw too much attention if we walk through the front doors. Let's go in through the back." She said walking down the alley.

I followed her and we came across a door which was directly behind the piano bar.

"This must be it." She said as she was about to knock.

"Wait!" I said quickly. "We should probably tell each other about our quirks, incase we get into a .... tough situation. Plus I would hate to get in your way."

"Oh sure, so you you already know my quirks called persuasion. I click my fingers and can tell that person to do whatever I want, I have a limit of about 10 people at once though. Oh and once I've used it on someone I can't use it again." She said with a soft smile.

Wow that's actually a really cool quirk... wait that means she can't use it on me again... huh handy to know...

"And yours hun?" She asked as I was zoned out.

"Oh right, so I can teleport us anywhere. I can kinda do it to objects but I'm still learning how to use it properly. Sounds pretty useless compared to yours." I laughed awkwardly.

"Not at all." She said looking at the door.

She knocked on the door and we both waited. A guard opened it and looked at us slightly confused.

"The entrance is around the front." He said angrily.

He was about to close the door when Temptress clicked her fingers.

"Take the rest of the night off." She said to him.

His face went blank. He walked out of the door and past us through the alley. I looked behind me and watched as he left.

"Wait, one more question about your quirk." I said turning back to face her.

She stood in the doorway holding the door open and nodded.

"When does your quirk stop working?" I asked looking back over my shoulder to the guard as he disappeared off into the distance.

"It kinda depends what I say, for instance when I told you to strip off cause it was hot. Someone could have probably snapped you out at anytime. If I told you something like, you have to be naked before you leave this room then you wouldn't stop until you were naked. It's all about how I word my instructions." She said walking inside.

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