Chapter 70 - Severed Fingers and Staples

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A/N: I'm sure I've said this before but just in case I didn't, warning Manga spoilers ahead.

This story doesn't follow the manga to a tee obviously... but it does have plot points from it and characters ect... :)


"Hmmm so do we need to save him or something?" I asked mainly referring to everyone else when I said we.

"I think Dabi and Twice are talking to the boss about it now, I don't really know too much about it sorry." She said giving me a smile.

Girl you think your out of the loop... I didn't even know he was kidnapped...

"Oh it's okay, thanks for the info Toga." I smiled to her as she returned to her room.

I did my usual night routine I ate, showered, brushed my teeth and sat on my couch to watch some tv. It was almost midnight when I heard someone walking down the hall and open a door.

"I wonder if that's Dabi." I got up and opened my door looking out to see if I could still see Dabi.

His door was opened a small fraction so I decided to go over and see if he was back. I knocked on the door pushing it open a bit more as I did so.

"Hello? Dabi? Are you back?" I asked waiting for a response.

I heard some water run.

He's probably just having a shower after his meeting... I should just leave him....

I grabbed the door to close it when I paused. I swung it open and walked in.

"Dabi? Hey are you okay?" I asked looking around for him.

I could hear the water coming from the bathroom so I decided to walk over.

"Dabi?" I said noticing him leaned over the sink.

He was cupping the water from the tap with his hands as he washed his face. He turned his head to me when I came in.

"And you say I'm the one who barges in all the time." Dabi chuckled putting his head back into the sink.

I walked over next to him. "In my defence I did knock and I called out to you. Are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked trying to see his face.

He stood up straight and looked at me. Blood was dripping from the staples near his lips and one had busted open.

"Shit what happened?" I asked noticing the blood.

"Nothing just busted a staple, it happens sometimes when I get angry." He said still sounding bored.

"Can I help fix it?" I asked not really knowing how though.

"Sure." He said walking out of the bathroom.

He sat down in the couch and pressed a gauze against the rawr flesh. "Can you grab the staple gun from the bathroom? It's just in the cupboard." He yelled.

I turned around and opened the cupboard above the sink.

Okay this is odd...

Dabi had hair dye, like lots of hair dye.

"The bottom cupboard! Don't open the top one!" He yelled.

Ehhh too late...

"Okay." I said back pretending I didn't just already open it.

Great now I can't ask him about it.... why would he need to dye his hair... maybe he's going grey... maybe he's actually really old...

I closed it before I saw anything else I wasn't supposed to and lent down to the other cupboard. I opened it up and saw the staple gun. I picked it up and walked it back to where Dabi was sitting.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now