Chapter 29 - Baby im Jealous

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After a long day of training with Dabi I was exhausted. The next day I managed to somehow drag myself along with Dabi as we walked back to the bar to see what today's plans involved.

Once we were inside the bar I spotted about 10 small grey cases sitting next to Shigaraki. I went and took my usual seat next to Toga before Shigaraki started to talk.

"Alright everyone, the next phase of our plan is to sell the quirk enhancers we stole." He said placing a hand on the boxes.

We actually have a plan we are working towards?? That's good to hear.... I wonder what that is...

"Toga, Spinner and Compress you guys take 5 and sell them by the piers. Dabi, (F/N) and Twice you three take the rest and head downtown." Shigaraki said pushing the cases down the bar towards Toga and I.

I pulled them along until they were directly in front of us giving half to Toga. She gave me a smile and took her 5 cases sliding off the bar stool and walking out with Spinner and Compress.

I let out a quiet sigh and picked up our cases walking to the door with Dabi and Twice. Part of me was excited to be with Dabi but at the same time I was also a bit nervous about this whole job.

The tree of us set of down the alley in silence.

"Sooooooo...." I said trying to break the awkward silence. "Selling these quirk enhancers aye..." I said trailing my words.

Twice turned to me and looked like he was about to say something before Dabi spoke up.

"Look babe, just let us do the talking yeah?" Dabi said bluntly.

"You just have to stand there and look pretty. Lucky I wanna do that job." Twice said with a chuckle.

"Oh okay, that's cool. I can totally just stand there and be quiet." I said starting to drag my boots slightly as I walked.

There was another awkward silence as we continued to walk to our destination.

"Sooooo where exactly are we going?" I asked right before we stopped at an old underground train station entrance.

"Here." Dabi said without looking over to me.

He pulled the caution tape that covered the entry out of the way so Twice and I could duck under. We walk down the stairs and make out way to one of the old platforms. It was pretty gross, looked like some people lived down here at one point as well as some rats and creepy crawlies.

"So what do we do now?" I asked as we all stood in the middle of the empty platform.

"We wait." Dabi said leaning against a pillar and sliding down it to sit on the ground.

"These jeans are expensive, so that's a no from me." I chuckled as I started to pace the platform not wanting to sit and wreck my pants.

"Geez Dabi you could at least let the girl sit on your coat. Yeah some boyfriend you are." Twice said sitting in the middle of the platform.

My heart almost skipped a beat at the mention of Dabi being my boyfriend. I felt a light blush flow over my cheeks and I spun around to walk in a different direction so the boys wouldn't see me.

"She's not my girlfriend asshole." He said bluntly shattering me out of my daydream.

"Oh, but I thought you guys..." Twice began before Dabi cut in.

"Nope! We are both free to do whatever the hell we want. I don't do girlfriends Twice you should know that." Dabi said getting out his phone to ignore us.

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