Chapter 23 - Inked

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"I really can't let you do it, you might scar her or ..." The tattoo artist said before seeing Dabi standing over him.

He quickly moved out of the way and Dabi sat down picking up the gun. He started it up and put it down near my neck.

"This might sting a little babe." He said pressing his lips close to my ear.

I put my hand up my neck to keep my hair from falling in the way.

Part of me wondered if I just wanted to feel something... the other part was still trying to work out why I liked this so much. Hanging out with Dabi, doing what I wanted ... I just couldn't think of the word to describe how I felt...

I cringed as the gun hit my skin but after a few moments I forgot he was even doing it. My skirt had ridden up my legs exposing my thighs as I sat in the chair. Dabi's hand was steady and felt warm as he rested it on the back of my neck while finishing the tattoo.

He put the gun back and grabbed a wipe running it over the freshly inked skin.

I hopped up and tried to look at it in the mirror.

"Well?" Dabi asked getting up to stand next to me.

I tried to get a bit closer to the mirror to get a better look. "Is it Japanese kanji?" I asked looking at the black inked symbol.

"Yeah, it means Free." He said covering it up so it wouldn't get infected.

Free... that was how I felt.

I softly smiled at myself in the mirror. " I love it, thank you." I said quietly turning to face him.

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment before the tattoo guy spoke.

"You getting one too buddy?" He nervously asked Dabi.

I smirked and quickly answered for him. "He sure is, I'll be doing his though." I said sitting down with the tattoo gun.

Dabi sighed and sat down on the chair facing me.

"And what scar exactly are you adding to my collection?" He joked running his fingers along his burns.

"You'll see." I smiled pulling down his shirt exposing his collarbone.

"Please don't put something stupid on me, I do still need to keep up my dead man walking look." He chuckled.

"Want me to draw you a stencil hun?" The tattoo guy asked still standing to the side.

"Nah, I'll free hand." I said waving my hand in the air to dismiss him.

Dabi gave me a worried look as he turned to face the other way. I started up the gun and pulled it to Dabi's chest.

"This might sting a bit babe." I joked mimicking him from before.

He chuckled and shook his head.

I pressed the gun to his skin, Dabi flinched and I instantly pulled it away. "Shit sorry." I cringed noticing I went in too deep.

Dabi took a deep breath. "Your supposed to do it lightly, try again." He said sitting still.

I took my time and pulled the needle at the end of the gun over his skin permanently staining it. After a few more small strokes I was finished.

I smiled and jumped off the chair in front of him. "Have a look." I said excitedly.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this." He laughed as he got up and looked into the mirror pulling down his shirt. "What is it?" He asked tilting is head.

Mistakes - Dabi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now