Chapter 30 - Games

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The three of us walked back to the bar in silence. The whole way back I couldn't help but think of what Dabi and Ren had planned for tonight. Dabi was on his phone the whole way back so I could only assume he was talking to her.

I took out my own phone and looked at Kyle's number.

I guess I really don't have a choice... I told this guy I would go out with him anyway.

I decided to send him a message and ask where we should meet up. He messaged back almost instantly. My phone made a loud PING.

"Your not messaging that guy are you?" Dabi asked from behind me slightly looking over my shoulder.

I hid my phone and spun around. "Why, what's it to you?" I asked clearly pissed because he had been on his phone the whole time.

He rolled his eyes. "Do what ever the hell you want, just don't come crying to us if you get your little ass into some serious trouble and need us to bail you out." He said with a huff.

Ooooooo someone's jealous...

I continued to walk backwards and poked my tongue out at him. "Fine." I said turning back forward.

"Fine." Dabi said with another huff.

There was another awkward silence.

"Fine! We're here!" Twice yelled as we got the bar.

Dabi threw the bag of money to Twice and stormed off in a different direction.

"What's his problem?" I asked Twice watching him leave.

Twice caught the bag and watched Dabi walk away. "No idea. Maybe it's cause you guys are fighting." He said loudly.

Nahhhhhh can't be ... can it

"He couldn't care less. Clearly." I said to Twice as we entered the bar.

The others were back and chatting amongst themselves as Twice and I entered.

"Please tell me you did better than this lot." Shigaraki said with a sigh pointing to the others.

I saw all of the boxes returned to the counter in front of Toga. They didn't sell any.

"We sold em all boss. Yeah, (F/N) just has to go on a sleazy date with one of them." He said holding up the bag of money.

Way to over share Twice...

"At least someone got the job done." Shigaraki said scratching his neck. "Right, you can all go." He said quietly.

I walked back to Dabi's slowly wondering if he was going to be there. I opened his door and walked inside. I walked through and found myself alone.

I had a shower and opened the bathroom door in my towel. I looked around the house to find Dabi was still not back.

Maybe he's sulking somewhere...

I looked through my outfits trying to decide what to wear.

"Oh wait, didn't he message me." I said out loud remembering I didn't read his message.

I walked over to my phone and opened the message.

Kyle: Hey, so glad you messaged me. I know you said you were happy to skip dinner but did you want to meet up at the casino on 5th? 7pm? As much as I would love to skip straight to desert... Call me old fashioned.

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle at his message.

Maybe that's for the best, just cause I think Dabi's about to sleep with this chick doesn't mean I need to jump into something so stupidly...

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