Chapter 72 - Glitch

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A/N: Guys I really have no chill when it comes to releasing chapters... I'm like I'll wait at least 24hrs..... next min ... chapter update...


"Your bluffing." I said with a straight face.

I need to get Giran out of here.... if I could only touch him.... but how can I move Dabi without touching him.... stupid glitchy quirk...

"You remember old man Wayne? Our old butler?" My father asked.

I paused and thought for a moment.

"Yeah he got old and retired, if he's dead now I don't think that had anything to do with me." I said bluntly.

I didn't kill him...

A smirk grew across my fathers face. "You killed him, well you didn't know you did. We told you he was fine and went home early." He said as his smirk grew into a manic grin. "I was helping you practice how to use your quirk. I assumed it was like mine. I can only teleport people, I need to be touching them and I can only take them to somewhere I have been before."

He paused and re-directed his aim to me. The gun lined up with my head.

"But you...." He said as he started to chuckle. "You didn't need to be touching the person you wanted to move , hell It didn't even need to be a human. You could move objects and creatures to places you had never even been before." He let himself chuckle again before he became serious.

I guess that makes sense... that's why I could move Dabi without touching him... and that time I moved the car...

"And then it happened, we had been training all afternoon and Wayne came in with a tray of tea and snacks for us. As part of your training I asked you to take the tray from him and set it down on the table."

My heart started racing, I actually remembered this.

But... I never killed him...I think I passed out....

He could see I had started to panic as he continued his story. "You did your usual thing, you know closed your eyes and tried to focus and activate your quirk. It worked but you had reached your limit, when we reach out limit our vision becomes blurry and then we'll eventually pass out. When you opened your eyes you couldn't see properly and eventually passed out, your mother took you inside before you could see what you had done."

I reached up and clutched the shirt at my chest.

"What did I do?" I asked as my voice broke slightly.

He grinned again. "You moved the tray to the table...... along with the top half of his body. It was a clean cut." He chuckled.

My body began to shake.

I.... I killed him...

I felt sick. There was no way my quirk was capable of that.

"It's okay hun, he died instantly. We realised you couldn't control your quirk so we told you it was illegal and that you couldn't use it. I figured it was a waste to keep training you that's why we thought your best use would be to marry some hero to help keep us off the grid." He shrugged. "I had already gotten many offers for you on the black market, especially once I mentioned your quirk. It wasn't until you became a villain I figured it was worth selling you. At least make a little money off you."

I had froze, completely froze. I had no idea what to believe anymore, what he said about my quirk made sense though.

"But your completely off the rails, I even heard you slept with Chase." He sighed. "Goodbye daughter, I'll see you in hell." He laughed manically as he pulled the trigger on the gun.

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