Chapter 83 - Self Destruction

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I managed to execute some form of self control and only had a couple of drinks. After that Temptress left and Toga and I walked to our rooms.

"What's up Toga? You look kinda down?" I asked looking at her sad face.

She let out a small sigh. "It's nothing."

She walked up to her door but before she opened it I stopped her. "It's that boy isn't it. The one you liked from that hero school?" I asked.

She hummed. "It's never gonna work out is it." She asked resting a hand on the door.

Yikes.... what do I say?....

She quickly started shaking her head from side to side and gave her cheeks a slap. "I'm okay! I'm happy admiring him from afar." She chuckled. "Night (F/N)." Toga smiled as she walked into her apartment.

I let out a sigh and walked into Dabi's apartment.

"Your out late." Dabi said sitting in front of his computer.

I let out another sigh. "Yeah, just had a couple of drinks with Toga and Temptress." I said casually.

I walked up behind him and rubbed his shoulders. "How's your little short film coming along?" I chuckled not really knowing what he was doing.

"Meh, it's okay I need some more footage though." He shrugged. "Oh I've got another easy mission for you and Temptress tomorrow."

"Damn Dabi your working me to the bone here!" I joked. "What is it?"

"Just need you to grab some blueprints of a hospital. The building should be empty tomorrow too, it's a Saturday." He said spinning around in his chair to face me.

"Sure, I could do that for you." I said straddling his lap. "And then after I could wear that cute lingerie you like." I said seductively grinding down on him a bit.

Dabi lent forward and gave me a kiss, biting down on my bottom lip and pulling it out slightly before letting go. "Sounds hot, I'd ask you for a show now but I got some work I still need to do."

I sighed and hopped off him. "It's okay, I'll just be in bed....... naked." I said leaning on the bedroom doorframe before I left.

I ended up falling asleep before Dabi came to bed, and when I woke up in the morning he was already gone.

I got changed and met up with Temptress in our usual spot.

"Ready to go hun?" Temptress asked adjusting the pin in her hair.

"You bet, Dabi said this should be a walk in the park for us." I said confidently.

Temptress held out her arm to me. "Let's hope so."

I held her hand and closed my eyes taking us to a government building that kept plans for almost every building in the city. We snuck around to the back fire escape and forced the door open..... okay Temptress forced the door open.... I'm weak and just watched.

We began to search the building floor by floor. Dabi was right the place was completely empty, but we still had a million places to search.

I opened the hundredth draw from the level we were on and let out a grunt. "Omg this is gonna take all day! You don't think we tripped some kind of silent alarm do you?" I asked flicking through the papers.

Temptress chuckled. "I dono, hope not. I guess I'm lucky your here if we did. You can get us out in a flash." She said with a smile.

I laughed. "Oh you have wayyyy too much faith in me."

We continued to search the building, we were almost at the top floor still looking for the hospital blueprints.

"Maybe it's on one of these stupid computers." I said hitting one with my hand.

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