Chapter 98 - Not a Lemon for what your thinking its a lemon for...🍋

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Dabi pushed past Hawks as he chuckled. "No babe, no way in hell."

Hmmm maybe it was a dream than.... god that's even worse right?...

"Oh, sorry I thought I remembered something..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

Hawks laughed and his wings sprung back out to his back. "You remembered having a threesome with me and this asshole?" He chuckled. "That's news too me."

"Okay, okay no need to be a dick about it Hawks." Dabi said as he came to stand in between Hawks and I.

"Well anyway here's the rest of her clothes, clearly she needed them." Hawks said trying to avoid eye contact with me at all costs.

"Yeah, yeah I suppose I should say thanks." Dabi said with an annoyed grunt. "Right, you've had enough of a free show tonight, time to go Hawks."

I blushed again with embarrassment. Hawks quickly left and once again Dabi and I were alone in his room.

"Oh my gawwwwwd!!!" I screamed as I collapsed onto the floor. "That has to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever done!" I wailed.

Dabi choked on what I could only assume to be air and began to cough. "Ohhhhhh babe." He chuckled still trying to compose himself. "You've done much, much worse." He smirked.


"Like?..." I asked tilting my head up to him.

Wait maybe I don't want to know the answer to that....

"Ughh, I'll wait for you to remember it on your own." He smirked as he walked into the kitchen. "Oh you really did cook dinner." He said surprised.

My embarrassment quickly washed away and a small hint of pride took over. "Oh yeah, I just made a stir fry. You don't have too much food around here so I had to make do with what you had." I smiled and did a little spin.

"I kinda like this domestic side of you babe, it's a real turn on." He said walking back over to me.

I hummed in response. "Yeah? I was kinda hoping this outfit would turn you on more though?" I smiled as I ran a hand up his chest.

In that moment my mind went blank for a second and filled with another memory. A memory of Dabi and another woman. She did this, ran her hand up his chest and played with the collar of his shirt. My heart began to hurt, sting even.

I took a step back from him and clutched at my chest.

Why does this memory hurt... maybe I am trying to suppress them...

Dabi went to walk towards me when I put up my hands to stop him.

"Wait, I... I just need a minute." I said turning back to his bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and quickly pulled the lingerie off. I got back into the comfortable clothes I had in my draw and fell to the floor.

I remember a girl flirting with Dabi... am I fucking being played here....And fuck I just slept with him.... fuck!...

I sat up and rested my back on the wall. I could hear Dabi dish himself up some dinner blissfully unaware of the torment my mind was going through.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus.

"I hope your not just sleeping with this guy to get over Alex..... Did he melt my bra?..."

"Holy crap I remember, well I remember who Jasmine is now. And Alex... he was my ex, the hero." I whispered to myself.

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