Chapter 99 - Christmas Special (Part 1)

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Hello everyone, author chan here <3 I am back to post a Christmas special! Woot woot! I hope you are all well ! I have a lil' announcement at the end of this chappie, so stay tuned!

. . .



"Hey, dopey, wake up."

I opened my eyes and looked to the voice. "What do you want, stupid hunter?" I mumbled, rolling onto my stomach and squeezing my eyes shut once again.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Did you know that?" He said after a moment.

Wait, what?

"Christmas Eve? Tomorrow?" I asked, sitting up and beginning to process the things around me.

"Yes, Leorio is coming around later and we are going shopping, will you be alright on your own?" Kurapika asked, his slender frame leaning against the door.

"Wait, you're going without me? Why?"

"Because we are shopping for you, dummy." 

I felt my mouth make an 'O' shape before clamping shut. "But, then when will I shop for you?" I asked.

He smiled, pushing himself from the door and crossing the room over to me. "Oh darling, you already know you don't need to get me anything~" He purred, mounting the bed and crawling on top of me.

Ohh now I remember what I was doing before I fell asleep.


"W-Why are you acting weird?" I asked, my drowsy brain unable to properly render what was happening.

He started to laugh before planting a kiss on my lips. "You're just fun to tease~" He mused, leaving kisses on my neck before pulling away from me and leaving the room.

Um. Nani?

I looked down to myself, noticing how the shirt of Kurapika's that I was wearing hardly reached past my thighs. I felt my face heat up right along with the rest of me. "Why'd you leave? Hey!" I called, attempting to hop out of bed.

I stumbled a bit, my legs shaking slightly, though I wasn't sure why. "I'm walking around right now!" I added, knowing Kurapika would protest.

"You know you aren't supposed to stand!" I heard him yell, my face dropping when I spotted him running straight for me.

I squealed and turned around, not able to do anything more before my body was in Kurapika arms, limply being carried back to the bed. I groaned and threw my head back in disdain. "You aren't allowed to bring me back to bed unless you're coming to!" I demanded.

Kurapika sighed and climbed into bed, me still securely in his grasp. "How is the one who's not even wearing underwear ordering me around?" He remarked, pushing hair behind my ear and eyeing me skeptically.

I scoffed. "It's your fault I'm not wearing underwear!"

"Oh, hush."

"I refuse! And something is different about you right now, I can't put my finger on it, but you're more playful than you usually are. Why is that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."



"You aren't allowed to look at me until I know the truth." I stated, turning my head away from him and resisting the urge to smile.

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