Chapter 88 - Beautiful Life

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"It's time to go." He repeated.

Time to go? Time to go where? Home?

Feitan began to slowly walk towards me, his hands still in his pockets.

Alright (y/n) fucking think. Kurapika is going to see the video soon, but he has no clue where the Phantom Troupe is. You can't rely on someone to save you. Not this time.

Feitan took another step towards me.

Think god damnit what can I do. He's not holding anything to kill me right now, but he's walking towards me. Why? He's taking me somewhere first.

Maybe as bait, or probably an execution, either way, I'm going to be moved, aren't I?

Feitan undid the leather strap that was tied around my neck.



What's something that could help you right now? No animal is going to be able to function with all of my wounds, so I need to adopt an animal part that doesn't include transforming one of my limbs. That or I could turn into a plant...

Feitan walked to the front of the chair and released the leather strap around my bashed hand.

Out of all the plants you read about, which one was the most dangerous?

Manchineel. It's a tall tree. It releases toxins around it to stop predators from coming close. It has poisonous apples and if you touch its' sap it'll burn you. Not to mention if you stand under it you could be burned by the phorbol created in the leaves.

Feitan untied the other leather strap around my broken wrist.

So what's the plan?

He went down to my ankles, undoing my right foot.

Come on, come on.

He slowly unclipped the last leather strap.

No plan. Go now.

I shot my foot up and kicked him in the face, wincing at the pain the collision caused me. I stomped on his head as hard as I could before jumping over the arm of the chair and almost immediately falling when my feet hit the ground.

Shit, my knee is trashed. And so is the rest of me...

I flung myself out of the door and to the main room, where I was tied to a pillar the first day I was brought there. The rest of the members were standing there, as if they had been waiting for something.

So I was going to be killed, huh.

I limped to the center-most part of the room and away from the group before collapsing, watching as The Phantom Troupe began to approach me, their eyes exchanging glances from one another, one of them turning back towards the cement room, probably to check on Feitan.

Focus your energy (y/n).

I began crawling away from the footsteps.

Focus, god damnit.

I took a deep breath and felt myself elongate, growing into a pure state of bliss.

That's more like it.

Alright, now let's make some sap.

How do I do that.

Ha! I'm a tree.

This shit feels weird.


Alright. The sap causes bad blistering burns, so mass produce it. I want that sticky shit all over me.

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