Chapter 102 - Christmas Special Part 4

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I love how it's summer in real life and yet this story is still going through it's Christmas Special.

Rip to those of you who do not celebrate Christmas, and also Rip to those who have realized this book has only come out of hiatus twice since the winter.

I guess y'all will just have to come back and reread this part when everything is all cold and snowy again ????? I don't know what's happening ?????


*clears throat even louder and adopts the voice of a very buff 30-year-old man* WHERE WERE WE.

... Kurapika looked back to me for a moment before refocusing on Leorio. "I think it's a great idea."

"Oh this is just great! I get to meet your friends and we get to travel back to Pethmers!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, it's very exciting." Kurapika smiled, tilting his head slightly in amusement to my behaviour.

Leorio grinned. "So it's settled! I'll arrange the travel and pick them up. You two rent us some hotel rooms. We're going to Pethmers!"

. . .

Leorio left to pick up presents for the kids, leaving Kurapika and I alone to pack. I was busying myself by carefully folding each one of Kurapika's shirts and placing them into his suitcase, which was placed on the foot of the bed. I stood leaned over the side of the mattress, humming mindlessly as I worked.

Kurapika stood on the opposite side of the bed, wrapping his gifts for Leorio and the kids. "You didn't know that we were going to meet up with your friends, right?" I asked, still folding clothes.

"No, although I'm very glad this opportunity has presented itself. It's been a while since I've seen Gon and Killua." Kurapika paused. "To be honest, I left them without much warning. I might have to apologize for that..."

"I'm sure you didn't mean harm." I dismissed. "From the things I've heard about them, they don't seem the type to hold grudges against their friends."

I didn't look up, but I could hear Kurapika's smile in his voice. I could practically paint the image of his soft smile just from memory alone. "They are truly lovely. I'm lucky to have made such friends. Leorio, too." Kurapika finished wrapping what looked to be his last present. "And you, of course."

I smiled. "Of course." I repeated in a light tone.

Kurapika chuckled softly and circled around the bed, placing one of the boxes in the suitcase, next to all the clothes. He walked behind me next, snaking his hands around my waist and placing his chin on my right shoulder. "We should get married." He mumbled, placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder.

I hummed. "Is this your proposal? Are you trying to romance me?"

He laughed and kissed my neck. "Maybe." He smiled into my skin. "Is it working?"

I giggled. "Yes, I'm swooning."

Kurapika lightly squeezed my waist and I squealed. "Oi! Stop it back there! You screwed up my folding!"

Kurapika groaned. "No more folding." He stated playfully, grabbing one of my wrists and yanking me around.

The shirt I was holding dropped to the ground as Kurapika returned his hands to my waist and swayed me gently from side to side. "You always danced with me back in your village, why don't you dance with me anymore?" Kurapika asked in a low tone.

I exhaled, then laughed. "Because you're a God-awful dancer." I teased.

Kurapika chuckled. "Dance with me anyway." He muttered, placing his lips to my forehead.

I wrapped my arms around him and let him sway me from side to side. "When will the wedding be?" I asked. "Because I never liked summer weddings— they're too hot and sweaty. I refuse to be sweaty on my wedding day."

Kurapika hummed in agreement. "But winter is a bit too cold, at least around these parts." He commented. "Maybe spring... or fall..."

"Yes, yes I'd like one of those two. What about music? What's your favorite genre?"

"Well if we're talking weddings, classical for sure."

"Oh yes. Classical is," I paused. "classic!"

Kurapika laughed. "Who will we invite?" He asked.

"Well certainly not my father." I stated immediately, making Kurapika laugh a bit more. "Leorio, of course. Trisha, Kenta, maybe Angela... Oh! Kanna as well. And of course all of your friends."

"Well, that's not many. I suppose I'll invite a couple other hunters, though. Melody, perhaps."

"I'd love to meet Melody."

"I think you two would get along very well."

Part of me wanted to cry. Like always, I suppose.

Because obviously our wedding would be perfect. Just perfect.

I leaned back from Kurapika and moved my hands to his shoulders. "Kiss me." I said. "Kiss me like you would on our wedding day."

Kurapika didn't move for a moment, and then immediately corrected his posture. He backed away from me— not far— just until we were no longer touching. He took a breath. I giggled. "Now you may kiss the bride." I announced, standing up a bit straighter.

Then he took a step towards me and cupped my face. He came down to me quickly, but kissed me slowly. Gently. Painfully. The kiss was the same as the others we had shared— passionate, wanting. But it was different. It felt like a promise.

If we never have a wedding, we will always have this kiss.

He gradually separated from me. "How's that?"

I simply kissed him again.

Authors note: Next chapter might be a smut. Idk. Depends on my mood. Depends on how many of you BEG FOR IT. sorry it's like 3 AM.

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