Chapter 85 - Pop

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I woke up cold. Uncomfortably cold. Leather straps held me down to a metal chair, a strong scent of something unappetizing filling my lungs as I processed the things around me.

The raven haired man from before, Feitan, was sitting across from me, his lazy eyes shooting through my soul. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Do you usually watch people while they sleep? Hey, I'm not one to judge, but couldn't you have like, I don't know, nudged me or something? Maybe played an alarm-"

"No talking."



I smirked. "So it's a kinky thing then. Alright damn, you couldn't even ask for my name firs-"

-knock knock-

"Hey! I hear voices! Is she awake?" A voice called, it sounded angry, so probably Phinks.

Feitan nodded and I lifted one of my eyebrows.

He can't see you, buddy. You're going to have to answer him.

"Aye!" Phinks' voice piped up again.

He opened the door and made eye contact with me, his face immediately contorting into a rather scary expression. "You bitch! That viper poison could've killed me!" He yelled.

I sighed.

Where's Chrollo? Isn't he like your owner or something, you feral dog...

"Yes. That was the point." I replied.

God I don't want to be here. If these guys think that they scare me for a second then-

"You're just like your bastard boyfriend. All butt hurt." Phinks spat, walking up to me and leaning over, his nose a few inches from mine. "You know, if we knew how much of a pain he would be before we killed his clan, we still would've done it. Maybe he doesn't understand that."

I felt my eyes flicker.

... The Phantom Troupe.

The fucking Phantom Troupe.

Now I remember.

Kurapika's words came ringing through my head, the things he had told me that night back in the village.

'My name is Kurapika Kurta, and I come from the Kurta Clan. A clan that has been eliminated from this world by bandits who call themselves the Phantom Troupe simply because our eyes hold power and beauty. All of them... my family... killed for what death creates. In return, I've sworn to kill every last one of them, and the rage in my heart will not subside until I have completed that task.'

"Now you've pissed me off." I snapped back, struggling to free my arms from the leather holds.

Phinks simply smirked. "Awe, can you not get out of your seatbelt, doll?" He taunted.

Bitch ass mother-

I kicked out one of my feet as hard as I could, hitting Phinks right in between his legs. I smiled as I saw his face contort, his hands moving away from me and to his probably deformed package. Feitan sat still, watching the situation and looking completely unfazed. "Go away." He muttered after a moment.

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