Chapter 5 - You Remind Me Of My Pain

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Hello! I have a lil announcement for y'all now that I have so many readers hehe.

The whole purpose of (Y/n) treating Kurapika harshly is because she's been emotionally abused by all of the men in her life. This entire book slowly moves through (y/n)'s character development and she grows so much as a person. Please stop being so cruel to her in the comments because it kinda hurts my soul.

I know she's rude 😭 I wrote her lmfao. Sometimes I deadass cringed while writing these scenes, but the whole point of them is for Kurapika to recognize that (y/n) isn't used to being treated with anything less than anger. She's attacking Kurapika constantly because she assumes he'll do the same, and when he doesn't, she has absolutely no idea how to react. (Which obviously makes things worse.)

Because of so much hate, I'll be editing some of these chapters so that my readers don't get so angry. But please understand that there is symbolism in her actions, and they become very important later in the book. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Kurapika was sitting on one of the chairs by my coffee table now, so I joined him and began drinking the glass of water sitting by the dish of picked-over food. "You know Kurapika, perhaps you and I would get along better if we weren't forced to spend so much time together. My father wants us to be buddies so that he can banish me, so why don't you talk to him and try to get him to ease up on the gas?"

"I don't think anything I could say would change your father's mind. Just be glad he's not making me sleep with you too."

I scoffed at the hunter's remark, setting the glass down and standing up. "It's probably not my place, but I don't think your father hates you as much as you'd like to think..." Kurapika commented, watching as I drew near my bookshelf and selected a novel.

"Yes, well. You've only been here for a mere day, and you've seen him yell at me like three times. Come to think of it, he has actually been a lot more kind since you've come around. Maybe we should stick together after all..." I muttered sarcastically, flipping through the book until I found my desired page.

Kurapika stayed silent as I flopped onto my bed and began to read.

. . .

I had finished my book and moved on to another one as the clock struck five. Realizing it was no longer daytime, I sprung up from my bed and skipped to the door. Noticing my sudden actions, Kurapika snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked to me. "Where are you off to? Aren't you grounded?"

"It's officially 5:00 P.M. That means it isn't daytime, it's the evening."

"I suppose that's true, your point being?"

"My father's exact words were: 'I don't want to see you for the rest of the day.' Well, it's evening now! Not day!" I exclaimed, turning the circular nob that rested on my door and skipping out of the room.

I soon heard the hunter's footsteps behind me and sighed, but made no effort to bug him further about shadowing me. I simply left through the back door and went to the stables, praying that Kurapika didn't know how to ride a horse.

I walked up to Katashi, who was the biggest Clydesdale we owned and coincidentally my horse. His gear was already prepped, so I mounted him with ease and looked at Kurapika, who was admiring a palomino named Rod. "Want to ride her?" I asked, looking down at the blonde.

"She's quite pretty. Is she friendly?" The hunter asked, approaching the horse and reaching his hand out towards her.

Rod whined and shook her head, her hair swaying around her eyes. "Oh, I didn't even think about that." I said, dismounting Katashi and joining Kurapika.

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