Chapter 55 - The Festival

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Kurapika and I had gotten ready for the day and left our hotel, heading to the festival. Upon exiting the lobby, I was immediately met with frost tickling my nose, the still and dry cold air making me happy to be alive. I trudged through the snow in the car's direction, stopping when I heard my hunter's voice chime. "We won't be driving, come with me."

I looked to him and huffed, hopping through the good four inches of snow to catch up to the blonde. Luckily, the sidewalks and streets had been shoveled, so I wasn't too unlucky.

"Why aren't we taking the car?" I asked, looking up to Kurapika as we walked in the main street's direction.

"The festival is happening today, so the streets will be lined with shops and people. It wouldn't be wise to take the car, especially when the parade will be taking up space as well." He explained, leading me across a road and back to the largest street.

I followed him, running a bit to catch up before almost slipping on some ice. Kurapika caught me, his hands around my waist just as they were that morning. "Careful, you really should've worn shoes with more traction." He said, helping me get my balance back before letting go of me.

I huffed and looked at my shoes, cursing them for putting me in yet another embarrassing situation.

Wow, are those?

"So many Christmas lights." I breathed, my flabbergasted tone and expression making Kurapika laugh lightly.

"Didn't you see them yesterday?"

"Well they weren't turned on! And all the snow? What a perfect day for a winter festival." I commented, my eyes drifting to all the beautiful decorations.

I was looking at a lamppost when I slipped again, my chest falling forward and my eyes closing tight. I was caught again, my eyes snapping open once more. "Geez, you didn't even try to catch yourself that time." Kurapika remarked, helping me up once more.

"I had accepted my death." I stated simply in a matter-of-face tone.

Kurapika laughed once more, extending his arm out towards me. "Take my hand, you won't fall again that way."

I nodded and placed my cold hand in his, humming when his palm held a bit more warmth than mine. We walked in silence for a bit before I almost slipped again and Kurapika intertwines our fingers, pulling me a bit closer to him. I glanced up to him for a moment before looking back to the pavement and smiling.

Maybe there are advantages to being clumsy...

I went back to admiring the red bows and other decorations, a light blush dusting my cheeks, partially because of the cold and partially because of Kurapika. Soon we saw many other people, all bustling around and smiling. I got excited at the sight, giddily pulling Kurapika towards the mass of little shops and restaurants which lined the streets. We walked past a ramen and hot tea shop before passing a cute little coffee shop and a candy store.

I heard a ruckus to the front of me and changed my focus, now looking towards a group of people surrounding some kind of stone stage at the end of the street. I followed the crowd, pushing through some people to get to the front of it, my hand still securely in Kurapika's. "Woah." I muttered, watching as two people got onto the platform and bowed to the crowd. "What is this?" I asked, looking back to Kurapika, who was still trying to squeeze his way to the front.

A man next to me pointed to the stage and lowered his head, his beard large and rather unkept. "It's a tradition here in Pethmers. During the winter festival, couples go up on that there stage and ring that bell. Then they kiss under the mistletoe hanging up there. It's said that couples who kiss in front of the bell are blessed for life. Not only that, if you go up on the stage, your name gets put into a draw. Your name gets drawn? You win the prize."

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