Chapter 30 - Nothing More

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I had gone back to my room and gotten ready for bed, but everything felt rather, blurry. I was absentmindedly pacing my room, picking up random objects and placing them in different places. Kurapika made me feel so horrible and fantastic and horrified all at the same time, and part of me just knew that I was slowly falling for him. It was the same part of me that wanted to hold him close to me, or wanted to know what was bothering him whenever he acted differently. I found myself always thinking about him and wanting to be near him, and after he confided in me that night, I just wanted to heal him and care for him and make him no longer feel pain.

After weighing the pros and cons of the situation, I had decided it was a simple crush thanks to spending so much time with him.

It's not like he'd ever like be back anyways, it's just that he's new and different, so I find him interesting...

Yeah, that's all.

I nodded my head to myself and closed my curtains, finding comfort in the conclusion I had come to about feeling nothing more than a small crush for my hunter.

Just a crush. A small crush. Nothing more.

. . .

The next morning I woke up abruptly to the sound of rather loud knocking at my door. Stumbling out of bed and brushing my hair sloppily, I rushed to the door and opened it. "What? What's happened?" I questioned, my half-asleep brain thinking there was some kind of danger.

I was met with the wide eyes of one of my maids, Kurapika standing not too far behind her. "Oh! Pardon me for waking you my lady, but it seems that a fabric vendor is here to fit your clothes for your journey." The woman explained, her head bowed low.

My eyebrows raised and I inhaled through my mouth, suddenly remembering that I was going to wear normal clothes for the first time. "Fantastic!" I exclaimed, running back to my mirror and fighting with my hair to get it a bit more tame. "Send her in!"

The maid nodded and scurried away and Kurapika gracefully walked into my room, his steps long and eyes gazing at me. I felt my heart skip a beat as he smiled at me, and I began fiddling with my fingers to avoid his eye contact, although I didn't really know why. "Good morning, my lady."

*sceams internally*

"Good morning!" I chirped back, sticking my hands to my sides and looking into his eyes.

His eyes-

"You aren't wearing your contacts." I said, walking up to him and observing the stone eyes that looked at me with such warmth.

"I figured I don't need them, of course I'll wear them if you want me to."

"I quite like them just like this." I smiled, seeing someone else walk into the room.

It was a rather squatty old woman with thick hair that was pulled into a messy bun that sat on top of her head. She was wearing fashionable pants and a pretty shirt, and her eyes were rather far apart, but with her thick glasses making her irises look large and blurred, you could hardly tell. "Hello, are you (y/n)?" The woman asked, her voice rather raspy. "I'm Miriam. I'm here to help you with... clothes?"

"Yes! I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you, Miriam." I said, smiling in her direction as Kurapika turned around and examined the woman.

"(Y/n) has only ever worn dresses, but we will be traveling soon and need things more practical. I'm guessing you were a bit confused on why you've been summoned here?" Kurapika said, going over to the woman and taking the large pack off of her back.

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