Chapter 63 - Party's Over

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Hisoka helped me out of the cab and led me in to a rather classy looking party. There was still a fair share of colored lights and flashy ornaments, but everything seemed a bit more refined than the rest of the uncensored city. "(Y/n), do me a favor and don't stray too far away from me, alright?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and hesitantly nodded, looking around the room. My eyes caught on another tall man in a suit, his long dark hair trailing around him.

Another pretty man...

Wait a minute.

I looked over to Hisoka and placed my hand on his heart.

How interesting. I suppose now I know why I'm here...

"What are you doing that for?" Hisoka asked, his chilling gaze questioning me.

"No reason... so, what exactly are we to do at a party like this?"


I laughed and walked next to Hisoka, following him to the bar.

Odd, I feel that man's gaze on me, the one from before...

Hisoka ordered two drinks, his smile rarely fading. It was a busy party, and to be quit honest I would've felt out of place wearing anything else. "Now I understand why you took me shopping, everyone here is very well dressed."

Hisoka just smirked. "Yes."

"... Can I ask you something?"

"Of course~"

"Why did you ask me out to shopping today? And why bring me to this party?"

"Hm... well I suppose I just knew you were lonely. What I said still stands, it could be dangerous for a pretty thing like you to be out alone~"

"But why do you care? Pardon if this sounds rude, but you don't seem like someone who has a very strong sense of morality. Why do you find me interesting?"

Hisoka looked at me as if he were impressed with my deductions, his smile growing a bit. He took a drink out of his glass and slammed it back down on the counter, making me flinch at the sudden noise. "Because of that~" He answered.


"You flinch. You aren't a hunter, you aren't necessarily strong, so why are you traveling with one of the most feared hunters in the world? I hate to make you worry, but there are some eight legged little friends looking for your companion~"

Oh shit, Kurapika.

Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life by coming here? Hisoka is obviously dangerous...

"What do you want from me?" I asked, glaring at the red haired man.

"Oh~ Braver than I thought~ I want to know who you are. You aren't his lover, or are you?"

"What I am is none of your business."

"Oh~ What's this? When you get emotional, the energy you posses climbs incredibly. Maybe you are interesting after all~"

"Are you going to kill me?"

"No, I don't think so. You are charming, though. I can see why he cares for you. Such a shame, really. Caring for people when you are as powerful as him can be such a weakness..."

I lowered my gaze.

He still doesn't seem like he's going to hurt me...

"Drink your drink, (y/n)."

"I'm underage."

"Oh~ Are you now?" He remarked, placing his arm over my shoulders and looking behind me for a moment.

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