Chapter 24 - Good Weather

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I woke up the next morning feeling rather bad. Perhaps it was because I had thrown up the day before, or had two different men kiss me. Or maybe it was because I tried to transform twice in one day and ended up coughing up more blood than I'd like. No matter what the reason, I found it seriously hard to get out of bed. So, I didn't.

I went back to sleep and woke up around two hours later to the sound of knocking at my door. "Come in." I grumbled, rolling over and sitting up.

Angela came bursting into the room, jumping onto my bed and hugging me. "Whoa, easy Angie, I need to breathe." I said from under her grasp, pushing the girl off of me.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Kenta kissed?!" She shrilled, sitting back on my mattress and waving her hands around.

"Oh... I just didn't have the chance..." I said, vivid images of the disappointing kiss coming rushing back into my memory.

"Didn't have the chance?! I'm your best friend and the sister of your fiancé! Plus you had me worried you were in love with that hunter of yours!" She continued, halting when there was a knock on the already open door.

"Kurapika, how long were you standing there?" I asked, my body waking up a bit more now.

"Not long, sorry to interrupt." He said.

"Don't worry about it, is there something you need?" Angela said, turning back to him.

Wait, he's standing?!? NANI?!?

"Wait a minute what the hell?" I exclaimed, jumping out of my bed and rushing to Kurapika's side. "What are you doing? You need to be in bed right now!" I stated, placing my hand on his forehead and putting his hand on my cheek in an attempt to feel his temperature.

"I'm alright now, please don't worry." He said, giving me a soft smile.

*screams internally*

I gazed into his now dark eyes for a moment, slowly lowering his hand back to his side. Angela got out of bed and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I'll be off now, I have a class at noon and it's already a quarter till." She stated, walking out of my room and down the stairs.

I watched as she left and turned myself around shortly after, closing the curtains so that my windows were covered. I turned back to Kurapika and walked over to him, closing my door. "If you're all healed, then dance with me!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hands and pulling them towards me.

"Must we do this everyday, my lady?"

"Well god forbid you do anything other than stand with proper posture and have a stone cold face. And give it a rest with that nickname!"

"I- I'm very expressive!"

I laughed and swung him around in a circle, watching as he weakly stumbled around, completely giving up. I felt myself smiling at the sight of the blonde. Even though he didn't dance, he always looked so graceful and perfect. I stopped dancing and held my stomach. "I need my toast." I stated, walking towards the door, the blonde regaining his balance and following close behind me.

"I felt better this morning, but after your aggressive dancing I'm afraid I'm dizzy once more." Kurapika muttered.

We reached the kitchen and I grabbed a piece of bread, popping it in the toaster. "You already ate I'm assuming?" I asked, looking to the hunter.

"Yes, I figured you would be up earlier."

"I didn't feel like it today."

"You didn't catch something from me, did you?"

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