Chapter 81 - Hands Held

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"Hey! Pretty lass!"

Well shit.

I turned around and met the group of people huddled behind me, all of them shoved together as if they were trying not to touch me.

Why are all of them on one side of the cage?

"Who the hell are you! You must be cursed with bravery like that, a pretty lass like you goin' into servitude." The man spat, although he didn't sound particularly angry or threatening.

I stood up to my full height and narrowed my eyes, hoping my fake confidence didn't make me look stupid. "Miriam is a good woman. She deserved this less than me, I can assure you that." I responded, my voice remaining even and calm.

Just do what Kurapika would do. Remain composed as if you've done this hundreds of times before.

"You knew 'er then? The lady? She yer' granny or sumthin'?" The man asked.

"No, I barely know her to be honest. She told me about how she grew up in poverty, and worked hard to get out of the situations life had put her in. Her heart is gold, I can tell you that. And she's quite the flatterer." I answered, smiling at the fond memories of home, when Kurapika and I were running in circles around our feelings for each other.

Oh Kurapika, how I'd love to see you right now.

After finding out about my family and sacrificing myself into servitude, to be quite honest I'd really love to break down and cry...

I looked up to the group of characters, observing all of their characteristics as they gawked at me. "So, you barely knew her?! And put yourself in her place?!" An older man questioned, gruff stubble and dirt covering his face.

"Yeah! Why'd you do it if you barely know her?" A different man called out.

I huffed.

Stupid men. You don't scare me.

"I have my own reasons and I need not share them with you! I'm in a bad mood today so I'm done answering questions. Pardon my rudeness." I declared, turning my back to the group and weakly gripping onto the metal bars through my handcuffs.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before beginning to bustle about, whispering with one another in hushed tones. I felt their eyes on me as I watched the dull scenery go by, missing the days when there was lovely grass and deer instead of litter and heavy air along the now dirty roads and buildings.

I suppose when you get to the poorer parts of Glam Gas Land, it's not exactly glam...

I took in a long breath and sighed as the man's voice echoed in my memory.

"... You must be cursed with bravery like that, a pretty lass like you goin' into servitude."

To be honest, I've never really been the brave type...

"It's cool is all. We ain't tryin' to ruffle you up. It's just that no one I know would do anythin' like that for me, ya know? And you barely know 'er, the lady, yet you took 'er spot." The man piped up again.

I nodded and turned back around. "To be honest, I wasn't really sure what I was doing. I just knew I had to get her out of there, I don't know. My body just moved and all of the sudden I was in here and she was out there." I responded, looking down to my clothes and fiddling with my fingers.

"Pretty lass, you must not be from around here, eh?"

I smiled. "Is it that obvious?"

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