Chapter 62 - One Fast

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I made my way back to Kurapika's room, knocking on the door and thanking Leorio when he opened it for me. "I thought you weren't coming until eight tonight, did you come for breakfast, Leorio?" I asked, taking the coffee that Kurapika handed me and sipping it.

"Actually, there's been a change of plans. Kurapika and I are leaving in about five minutes."

*internally chokes on coffee*

"Why?" I asked, looking back to Kurapika.

"Leorio heard wind that our targets could be leaving sooner than later, and we aren't taking any chances. If they really are still hunting Leorio, they must be pretty bad at it." Kurapika explained.

He was wearing his contacts again and finishing his coffee, his well fit suit hugging him in a way that made me want him to stay even more. "Then, will you be back sooner too?" I asked, switching my gaze back to Leorio, who was now sitting on the couch.

"It's hard to say. It's going to take longer to hunt and sneak up on their base in broad daylight, especially since everyone will be awake. We don't know their numbers, or if they called backup, or anything. So it could take a lot longer than we think." Leorio explained.

I see, so things have gotten more complicated.

"That's— too bad." I said, placing my coffee down on the table.

"Well, let's be off then. Kurapika, I'll be waiting in the car." Leorio said, grabbing his brief case and nodding to me before exiting the hotel room.

"I'm sorry about this." Kurapika said, placing his own cup on the counter and circling over to me.

"It's nothing you could help..." I said, turning to face the blonde before reaching my hand out to him.

I gripped onto his tie and lightly pulled him towards me, my gaze low as he took a few steps forward and stopped right in front of me. "Be safe." I muttered, lifting my head and looking into his dark eyes.

Kurapika pressed his lips into mine for just a moment. "I will."

And then he was gone.

. . .

I stood in silence for a good ten minutes after Kurapika left, thinking over the events of the morning before smiling to myself.

No one was watching that time~

I giggled and skipped back to my room, grabbing my purse and applying some light makeup before heading towards the elevator.

I'm going to explore, I mean, I could use some fancy clothes from Glam Gas Land, couldn't I?

No use in sulking around while blondie is gone, I only have a little while to enjoy this!

I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor's button, waiting giddily as the doors slowly closed.

All of the sudden there was a hand in the elevator door and a body next to me. "I hope you don't mind, I'm going down as well." The voice cooed seductively.

I looked upwards. "Oh! You're the man I waved to yesterday!"

His smile widened a bit. "I'm Hisoka. And you are?"

"I'm (y/n), it's nice to meet you, Hisoka." I said, looking back down to my purse.

"(Y/n), answer me this. Do you have a boyfriend?"

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