Chapter 58 - Unbearable

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This chapter contains some gore that may be disturbing for some readers. Please be careful! <3

I was under the covers of my hotel room, hugging a pillow that smelled like Kurapika and cursing myself out.

You literally heard the conversation he was having and STILL knocked on the door?

You were so flustered you didn't even give him his book back...

I sighed and hugged the pillow closer to me. I was on Kurapika's side of the bed, staring at his book which sat in my former spot. I refused to cry over the matter, I mean, if you looked at it from any other angle it would've seemed like a perfectly fine interaction, but there was something in the way he dismissed me that made me feel like I had read everything wrong.

Who am I kidding? I already know he doesn't like me, right?

Not to mention I know we can never be together...

Whatever, I need sleep...


I'm so sick of this.

Where is he?

Oh, shit.


I don't know how long I can handle these nightmares...

-knock knock-

"Mm?" I groaned, sitting up and squinting immediately at the light.

Every goddamn morning...

"Will you be ready to leave in a bit? I'd like to leave sooner than later." Kurapaika's voice called.

"Yeah, I'll be out in ten." I answered groggily, rolling out of the bed and trudging to my suitcase.

(MMM the vibes)

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(MMM the vibes)

I brushed through my hair and splashed cold water on my face, packing my things and dragging my bag to the door.

Kurapika was waiting for me on the other side, taking my bag with one hand and my hand with the other. He gently pulled me down the hall, his hand warm as always and making some of the embarrassment from the night before disappear. "Bag?" I asked, referring to the fact that he was only carrying my bag and not his own.

"Already in the car. Tired?"


"You can sleep in the car."

"Shove it, Capricorn."

We thanked the front desk worker and loaded everything into the car, beginning our journey once more. "So, where are we off to? Wasn't there a seaside town?" I asked, placing my pillow on the window and laying on it.

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