Chapter 13 - You Can't Draw Out Of Hatred

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Walking up a flight of aged stairs, Kurapika and I arrived on the floor where most of the patients were. There were two hallways that branched out in separate directions, and around ten rooms in each of the halls. "I would say divide and conquer, but leaving you alone with the elders of my clan seems like a really bad idea." I commented with a smirk, looking to Kurapika who was staring at the ground.

"Hey blondie, you okay? Why are you spacing out so much?" I questioned, waving my hand in front of Kurapika's eyes.

He looked the other way and brought one of his hands up to his face. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to him in confusion. "Are you upset? Was it something I said?"

Maybe I should just shut up... But why is he so complicated?

A few moments of silence passed before he regained his composure and went back to his usual proper posture. "My apologies, I got dust in my eye." He uttered out. "So, which room is first?"

. . .

We had gotten through around 27 of the 32 rooms that were in the building, but unfortunately three and a half hours had just about passed. I explained to Trisha that my dad had called the doctor, and she understood, telling me that I was free to go. Kurapika and I mounted our horses and rode up the paths. "...So, if you're marrying Kenta, that means he's not part of the clan, right? I mean, it's not like you're going to marry a cousin or something." Kurapika commented, looking to me.

"You're partially correct. Kenta actually is part of the clan, but we aren't related. This clan is made up two families that share the same abilities. Most of our history are just folktales about us being born from animal's spirits, but some of it I know for sure. I'm from the head family, but Kenta and Angela are from the branch family. Everyone is all allowed to marry who they want so that we are happy, so the families are hardly related."

"I see, so Kenta isn't related to you at all, but still has the clan's abilities... But, if everyone can marry who they wish to, why are you being forced to marry Kenta? What about your happiness?" Kurapika asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

I sighed and looked up to the sky. "My father is marrying me off to Kenta because he is strong and has a talent for transforming. His hope is that if I have kids with Kenta, there's a better chance our children will not be born with my weak genes. That way the head family stays strong. It was never about my happiness, it was simply about how to use me even though I was broken." I said, muttering the last part even though I knew the blonde could still hear me.

"(Y/n), I've been resisting to ask this, but how exactly are you weak? You've proven to be incredibly strong."

I chuckled at the hunter's words.

If only you knew how much of a failure I truly am.

"I'm not the same as everyone else. I can't do the simplest thing that our clan is exclusively known for. I'm worthless, and I hardly have a purpose." I answered, a sad smile staining my face.

"That's not true. Whatever you can't do, it can't be that bad."

"Why do you think my father treats me like I'm a disappointment? Do you know what it's like to look into someone's eyes and see that they hold no love?"

Calm down, (y/n).

"No, I don't know, but I still don't think your father hates you as much as you think." Kurapika said.

Apologize (y/n), come on...

"... I'm sorry, I'm not very amicable these days."

"Not amicable? Heh, I find you charming."

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