Chapter 74 - The Things We Don't Speak Of

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This chapter is taken place when Kurapika took (y/n) back to the hotel, it's basically just everything we didn't get to see because of the ~drunkness~

I thought we should have a nice lighthearted chapter before the next arc of this book 🥰

"(Y/n), please. It's not raining acid. You can get out of the taxi."

"Shut up Oreo. If it weren't raining acid you wouldn't be so tall."

Leorio sighed and put his hand on the bridge of his nose. "Kurapika! She won't listen!" He called, opening his eyes to see the blonde hanging up his phone. "And who were you talking to?"

Kurapika put his phone in his pocket and looked to (y/n), who was holding her shoe in her hand and grumbling something about the taxi door being open. "(Y/n), we have to go inside, we can't keep the taxi here forever."

(Y/n) looked up to the man with sad eyes, tears streaming down her face for the fifth time that night. "I live in the rubble. Why is it smell?"



Leorio turned his head to Kurapika. "What does that mean?!"

"How should I know?!"

"Isn't she your girlfriend?!"

"She's holding one of her shoes and crying! You think I can decipher that?!"


The men looked back to (y/n) and Kurapika walked to the car, scooping the girl up and carrying her to the hotel. "I'm so happy I decided to keep you." She gushed, wrapping her arms around the blonde. "I don't not really llike shilcredn but I will have many for you~ Pika, I know about your kink. The one with the statues. I know."

Kurapika kept quiet and glared at the snickering Leorio as the tall man opened the hotel door for the pair, following behind them as they made their way to the elevator. "Listen, (y/n), you can't do things like this while I'm away." Kurapika murmured, setting the girl down and tipping her chin up to face him. "Look at you, you're a wreck."

(Y/n) sniffled and pouted her bottom lip slightly. "Do you still like me more than Cheez-Its?"



"... Yes. I still like you more than Cheez-Its. You have to take care of yourself though. You have to make good decisions."

She scoffed, shoving her nose high into the air and turning her head away from the hunter. "Aye! Don't you have an attitude with me! I'm doing something very important and I came back for your drunk ass!" Kurapika scolded.

(Y/n) looked back to him. "You must really like my ass."


"... That was kinda funny."

A reluctant smile grew onto Kurapika's face as he dragged her to the hotel room. "You're ridiculous"

. . .

"Leorio, you can wait out here. I'll get (y/n) ready for bed." Kurapika instructed, watching as Leorio flopped onto the couch and extended his long arms over the back of the seat.

"You're putting her to sleep? You think that will work?" Leorio asked.

"I can handle her."

Or so he thought.

. . .

"Come on (y/n). Just take your dress off."

"No! I don't want you seeing me naked!"

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