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Good afternoon, all <3

Hello babies! It's been brought to my attention that the discord server has been flooded with inappropriate images thanks to someone in the server. I've since deleted the discord, because it contained horrific amounts of content that crossed community guidelines in addition to my personal guidelines.

If you like hentai, please watch it on your own time instead of forcing it onto innocent servers like a sorry sack of shit. Whatever you're going through, go through it faster because no one deserves to deal with your immature choices. *ooooh burrrrnn*

Someone has made a new discord, so please help each other find it in the comments! I'm not in it, but I know it's just as good as the old one. That's all <3

Okay, now for the real announcement:

I'm taking a break from this book. *sad screams from the distance*

I know :( I'm not very happy about it either. As you all know from past experiences, I adore each and every one of you and I always update whenever I can, but there are new developments in my life and it's growing harder and harder to write.

I'm graduating a year early, which is a good thing, but I have around double the workload that I usually would from my school, and COVID is making things even more difficult. Another reason is my health, which has been falling ever since I got sick back when I had to take a break from uploading.

I've also run dry on motivation for this story, although I have ideas of where I want it to go, I feel as though my writing isn't filled with passion like it used to be, and I don't want to release half-assed chapters that are short and boring.

I've grown so much as a writer that when I look back at the beginning chapters, I feel like this book just isn't very good.

I will still update occasionally, so do not fret, but I'm also working on my new original book, which I am extremely excited for!

I hope you aren't too upset, please understand that if I had any way to keep you all happy I would do it.

I feel so bad that I have to take a break, I want to cry :(

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