Chapter 89 - In The Meantime

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I felt my consciousness slowly fade away and my wings curl around me, blocking the bright sky from my blurred vision.

I felt my own heart slow to a stop.

And then it started again.

. . .


The week had started fine, good even. Kurapika and I got rid of the goons who were bothering me, (y/n) and I became good friends, etc.

Let's just say it didn't end the exact same.

. . .


(Y/n) and I had gone out to get her a phone. Nothing crazy, hell, the most exciting thing that was planned that day was when (y/n) and I were going to go to a flower shop. I wasn't going to complain, I mean, I loved spending time with the girl, plus I would probably get to argue with a phone salesman, which is always entertaining.

Maybe I should be a lawyer...


We walked downtown, (y/n) all cuted up in whatever stylish outfit she had that day. I understood why Kurapika fell so in love with her, after all, she was like a little drop of spunky sunlight. Was she naive? Sure, but it was charming. Plus her eyes lit up whenever I called her Beanie Baby, and for some reason that made me feel special.

Anyways, I turn my back for one second and all the sudden she's gone— down a hill and yelling at government soldiers. Like what? I'm in the middle of an argument so I turn my back for two more seconds and now she's putting on handcuffs and hugging an old lady!

So I'm sprinting down there, yelling shit that I don't even remember, right? I see the old lady point to me and now (y/n) is looking at me like she knows exactly what I'm going to say.

"Release her at once!" I ordered.

"Leorio, it's fine." (Y/n) said, raising her handcuffed wrists just a bit.

She must not understand the situation.

"No (y/n)! This is not some Glam Gas Land tradition! They are taking you into servitude!"

"Yes, I'm aware of this. See to it that Miriam is taken care of, she'll explain the situation."

"What?! No way in hell I'm leaving you here!"

"It's fine, my credit card is in my purse and the code is taped onto the back, you'll have the money to-"

"But Kurapika took your credit card!" I retaliated.

(Y/n) stood there for a moment, her face going dead before she looked back up to me. "Well fuck. Call him." She stated blankly.

She was led into the trailer as I watched, my eyes wide and mouth agape. "You- you're an idiot! You're too selfless for your own good!" I spat.

"Shut up and get Kurapika, stupid Leorio!"

Stupid Leorio my ass!

I called Kurapika immediately, but there was no answer, so I called him seven more times, leaving very aggressive voicemails on each one of them. If he knew the situation, there's no way he wouldn't come back.

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