Chapter 29 - The Red Eyed Love

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I furrowed my eyebrows and trailed the dirt path with my eyes once more as we reached the stables.

You're know better than to argue with him about something he's so guarded about...

You need to remember that he's complicated.

We stayed in silence as we dismounted our horses and began walking the trail up to the main house. I felt the need to say something. I was a bit hurt that Kurapika didn't want to confide in me, but part of me knew that he just wasn't the type to let his emotions out in constructive ways. I kept thinking of his feelings, trying to figure out why he wouldn't want to just end my confusion and help me out a little bit. After a moment more of quiet, I decided to speak, my words coming out less confident than I had intended. "... You, you can't keep all of your pain bundled up inside, you know? It'll just hurt you more, and slowly eat you from the inside out." I mumbled, not daring to look at my hunter.


"You don't have to confide in me, I mean, you've obviously been through a lot, and I know you're hurting but- you- you aren't alone anymore. I mean, I'm not sure you were alone before you met me, but you said something about being lost and I don' know I just-"

"(Y/n)." Kurapika interrupted, facing me.

I stopped and looked at him before my eyes nervously trailed down to his feet. I was about to apologize when he hugged me, freezing my thoughts and making my eyes shoot open. He was holding me just as tightly as I held him the day of my dress fitting, making me wonder if I was just as important to him as he was to me. As soon as I processed what had happened, I wrapped my arms around him just as securely and shoved my face into his chest, smiling at the familiar and comforting scent that I could only truly enjoy in moments like these. "I'm bad at this, but what I'm trying to say is that I'm here for you, and I care about you, you know?" I said into his chest, my words muffled and fuzzy.

Kurapika laughed gently and turned his head down so that his lips and nose were brushing against the top of my head. "I know." He uttered, making my heart tighten once more.

It was just two words. Two insignificant words that now held a place in my heart that I would never forget. "It's cold out here." I mumbled, making the blonde laugh once more and release me.

"Let's go inside and get you warmed up."

. . .

I was sitting on the couch in Kurapika's room and drinking tea, a thick quilt surrounding me as Kurapika sped around his room, taking his contacts out and removing his blue tabard to reveal his training suit. I smiled to myself, feeling comfort in the fact that he no longer tried to hide his eyes from me. I let my own eyes lazily trail the boy as he paced the room before sitting next to me on the couch. "You really went all out with the tea and the blanket. You know I'm not that cold, right?" I joked.

"I'd hate for you to get sick on my accord... May I ask why you wanted to be in my room?"

"Well we always hang out in my room, but your room has this comfy couch!" I exclaimed, snuggling into the velvety fabric.

"I see." Kurapika hummed, a gentle laugh escaping his lips.

I took another sip from my tea as Kurapika grabbed his own cup, his eyes glistening their beautiful grey. "... Listen, you don't have to talk about anything, but... is there anything you want to talk about?" I said quietly, hiding half of my face behind my tea cup and eyeing Kurapika cautiously.

"Some people talk a lot because they have nothing to say. I keep quiet because I have too much to say. I think part of me just wants to stay they way I am right now."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want things to be different. I don't want to share the darker side of me with you and overwhelm you."

I felt my eyebrows dip as I looked into Kurapika's eyes. He was looking at his mug, but the sorrow in his eyes was too much for me to bare. "Kurapika, nothing you can tell me would scare me away."

He looked up to me for a moment before he half smiled, his gaze lowering once more. "I, I do believe I was lost before I came here. I've spent my whole life hunting and tracking monsters, powered by my rage and pain. You asked me the first day that I met you if I was doing this for my family. You asked me if I feared such a dangerous job, because if I died I wouldn't be able to return home to the family I claimed to be doing all of this for. The truth is there is no home for me to return to, and there is nobody to welcome me back. My family is gone. I have nothing."

I stayed silent, staring into Kurapika's eyes as they stared at the couch cushions. There was something different about him now, something intimidating. "My name is Kurapika Kurta, and I come from the Kurta Clan. A clan that has been eliminated from this world by bandits who call themselves the Phantom Troupe simply because our eyes hold power and beauty. All of them... my family... killed for what death creates. In return, I've sworn to kill every last one of them, and the rage in my heart will not subside until I have completed that task."

His... eyes.

They're red.

I felt my eyebrows raise as my own eyes opened wide, looking at the sunken and hauntingly beautiful sight. They were fierce and feverish, nothing like the Kurapika I had come to know, but somehow fitting and unmistakably him. I inhaled sharply, causing Kurapika to look at me, his eyes still glowing the powerful hue. After a moment of processing everything my hunter had told me, I reached my hands out and cupped his face, staring deep into his eyes and smiling softly. Upon looking at me and feeling my touch, Kurapika's eyes immediately softened, his mouth slightly parted as his eyes told me everything that he ever needed to say. "You don't have nothing. You have me." I breathed, my voice coming out as nothing more than a murmur.

Kurapika looked like he was going to cry, but no tears fell from his eyes. He simply gave me one of his gentle smiles and closed his eyes for a moment. The next time he opened them, they were back to the clear and honest grey that I couldn't help but get lost into. "You were right. It feels better now that I've told you all of this."

I smiled to him and slowly moved my head towards his, pressing our foreheads together. I absentmindedly matched our breathing as we sat there together, both of us silently enjoying the brief moment of pure understanding we had for one another.

I fear that I've fallen in love with you, Kurapika Kurta.


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