Chapter 93 - Bath Time

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I double updated today, so make sure you're reading this after you read chapter 92 <3

I was sitting in a warm bathtub. What could be better, you ask?

The answer is sitting in a warm bathtub across from my boyfriend, who may or may not have murdered two people because of me, but was cute anyways.

Kurapika was carefully placing shampoo in his hands and rubbing them together, and I was watching him do so intently, my eyes trying so hard to stay on his face and not travel down to his chest, which was the only other thing above the bubbly water.

Kurapika looked up and beckoned for me to come to him, explaining himself when I didn't move. "Come closer so I can put this in your hair."

I nodded and looked down. "Um. How will I fit?" I asked.

"Just- here, wrap your legs around me."

I felt myself heat up. "Okay."

I wasn't necessarily embarrassed by the ordeal, but Kurapika and I hadn't touched each other in some specific ways for quite some time, and to be quite honest, I yearned for his touch again.

I pushed myself forward and wrapped my legs around Kurapika's torso, sitting in between his legs, which were now more extended and placed around my ass. He lifted his hands and pressed them into my scalp, rubbing the shampoo through my hair. I closed my eyes and hummed at the satisfaction, looking forward to finally feeling clean again.

"God I missed you." I whispered, opening my eyes and looking to Kurapika. "You aren't allowed to go away anymore."

He exhaled and came closer to me, his lips now close to mine. "I'm not going to leave you. Not ever again." He murmured, his hands travelling to the back of my head, beckoning for me to come closer.

I exhaled and met him halfway, letting my cracked lips press into his soft ones. He gripped onto my hair and I whimpered, pressing my bare chest into his and letting my arms travel to his back. He bit my lower lip hard and I moaned, pulling away from him and looking to his face.

He opened his eyes. "Not good?" He asked.

I smiled, attempting to stop the breathy panting I had begun. "Is— Leorio still here?" I asked.

Kurapika shook his head slightly, his partially wet hair stuck to his face in a way that made my skin crawl. "No, he's not." He responded, one of his hands falling to the water and skimming my back.

"Make love to me, won't you?" I asked, lowering myself down to his neck and kissing his collar bones.

Kurapika let out a shaky breath. "You're too hurt. I can't do that to you now." He muttered.

Your breathing patterns say otherwise...

I hummed and let my hands cling onto his back, my fingers slowly gliding up and down his skin. "Too hurt?" I repeated, kissing up to his damp jawline.

"I'd have to be gentle..."

"Gentle? You're not good at that..."

"... No. I'm not."

"Is it worth the risk?" I asked, kissing his cheek before biting his ear.

He took in an uneasy breath. "You're doing this on purpose." He groaned, taking my arms and bringing my wrists in front of me.

He raised them slightly, bring my hands up in between us so that both of us could see them. "Do you see yourself? You need rest. You said it yourself. So we are getting you rest, okay? I love you too much to fuck you without care." He lectured, looking down to my bloodied hands afterward.

That sounded familiar, has he said that to me before?

I sighed and fell forward, resting my forehead on his shoulder. "You're right." I mumbled, pecking his shoulder before sitting back up.

My stomach growled and I froze for a moment, my eyes widening as I realized I hadn't eaten food for a good two days. "We should put some food in you, huh." He said, shifting in the bathtub and getting out of the now murky water.

I watched him as he gracefully got out of the tub, tying a towel around his waist and running his hands through his hair. I looked at his toned muscles and the scars that riddled his skin, remembering the day he told me the stories behind some of the injuries. I peered down to his legs, rarely getting a chance to see them. They were sturdy and filled with muscle, much like every other part of him.

You really are perfect, huh, Kurapika?

"Alright, stand up." He instructed, turning around and getting another towel.

I did as he told me to, standing up and wobbling a bit on my feet. "Maybe carrying you was a good idea after all." He remarked, wrapping the large towel around me and scooping me up once more.

I hummed in response and let him carry me to the bedroom, setting me down on the bed and adjusting his own towel. I gripped the bit that was around my chest, keeping it from falling down to my stomach and making my breasts cold. Kurapika went to my suitcase and unzipped it. "Where do you keep your underwear?" He asked, mindlessly going through the contents of the bag.

"To the far right, where the zipper starts." I replied, yawning not long after answering.

"... Where'd you get all this lingerie?"

Oh shiet.

"Uh- Trisha took me shopping before we left the village. She said I might need it."

"... Well I suppose she was right." He mumbled to himself.

I looked back to see Kurapika holding up a lace bra, rotating it and examining the item. "Aye! Put that back!" I ordered.

Kurapika's eyes widened for a moment as his line of sight caught another item. He reached down to the suit case and pulled out a bodysuit I had gotten while shopping with Hisoka. "Trish really knows what's what." Said.

I couldn't help but giggle as Kurapika took some regular underwear out of the pack and returned to me. "It's better to sleep with minimal clothing while your healing, but do you want one of my shirts?"

Is that even a question?

"Do you have the grey one with the fish on it?" I asked.

He smiled. "Yes."

Authors note: I want to post a smut so bad but I need to keep telling myself that this isn't an erotica and I need to do it when it makes sense. *needs to be a good and realistic writer* *doesn't want to be a good and realistic writer*

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