Chapter 41 - Too Much

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"Kenta and I are actually together." Trisha said simply.



All eyes were on Kurapika, and his eyes were staring blankly at Trisha, ignoring the broken tea pot and hot tea spilled onto the marble floor. "... Together, together?" He asked, his lips slightly parted and eyes wide.

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it after a moment, squirming a bit as I tried to get out of the bed. "Stay." Kurapika ordered, putting his hand on my shoulder before bending down and picking up the glass shards from the floor.

"We've been dating for around a year, but we've liked each other since even before Trisha's transition." Kenta said, watching as the hunter discarded the glass and wiped the small amount of liquid that was visible.

"(Y/n)? You're, okay with this?" Kurapika asked, standing up to his full height and looking to me. "I thought you liked Kenta?"

"Forgive me for telling you so, the truth is I've always found him rather obnoxious." I said, making Trisha laugh and Kenta scoff.

Kurapika remounted the bed and took my feet again as Kenta spat back at me. "Hey! I am not obnoxious!"

Trisha started to laugh harder, making Kenta's gaze change from me to her. He smiled and grabbed her hand, shoving it into my face. "At least I have someone who cares about me!" He taunted, making me scoff.

"Oh yeah? Kurapika cares for me! Look, he's holding my feet!" I exclaimed, pointing to Kurapika.

The blonde looked to me with an innocent expression that made me want to explode, his hands still wrapped securely around my covered feet. "You have to admit, that's pretty cute." Trisha said.

"Yeah, but (y/n) and Kurapika aren't actually a couple, they just spend way too much time together because of his job." Kenta commented.

"That doesn't mean we don't care for one another! Kurapika takes very good care of me because he cares about me. He said so himself." I said in a matter-of-fact tone, crossing my arms and huffing in Kenta's direction.

"Alright, I think (y/n) and Kenta might get in a fist fight if this keeps going on, so let's talk about something different now." Trisha chuckled, taking my tea cup from my hands and drinking out of it again. "So, what do you two usually do for fun around here?"

I thought for a moment before answering. "Well, we read a lot, oh! We even went to the library a couple days ago! We spent all day reading each other's favorite books and then dis-"

"Boring!" Kenta interrupted. "She asked what you did for fun."

I glared at Kenta and stuck my tongue out. "That is fun, you just can't read." I said, making Kenta roll his eyes. "Anyways, we also went to Swan Lake and swam one day, and that was fun."

"What about that day the Nakamura's came for a meeting? We showed Paya around the village and that was fun." Kurapika added.

"Well, some times were for fun than others..." I trailed off, grabbing my cup back from Trisha and looking into it. "Trish, you drank all my tea? Kurapika just refilled it!"

"I couldn't help it! Your workers make really good tea!" She defended, taking a pillow and hugging it to her chest.

"Actually, I made that tea." Kurapika admitted casually.

"What? How?" I asked, watching as he grabbed the cup from my hands and got off of the bed once more, making his way to the door with both of our cups.

"Well, no one was in the kitchen, but your chef gave me a tour, so I figured I would just make the tea." Kurapika replied.

"You made it so well! I loved it!" I exclaimed, still surprised that my hunter had made the tea so quickly.

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