Chapter 52 - The First Snowy Night

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Kurapika and I had left the restaurant and gotten back into the car, which was covered in a small layer of snow and absolutely freezing on the inside. I shivered and hugged myself, waiting for the blonde to start the car's heat. He glanced over to me for a moment, something catching his eyes. "What?" I asked, shaking a bit from the cold.

"You're trembling like a leaf already, even your teeth are chattering." Kurapika commented, his eyes dragging down to my mouth and setting there.

I felt myself flush and brought my hand up to my face, my fingers brushing against my cold lips. "Well if you'd turn the heat on maybe things would be different..." I grumbled, hoping my flustered state didn't show through the dismissive words.

Kurapika turned the car on, cold air shooting out of the vents and into my face. "Kurapika. This air is cold." I stated.

"Give it a second to warm up, the car has been out here for a while."

I nodded and leaned back onto the cold leather seat, my hands stuffed into my armpits as I watched the windshield wipers push the snow off of the large window. Kurapika began driving, and as soon as the car seemed to be heating up, we were already back to the hotel. I exhaled to myself and opened the car door, my body being met with more cold air shooting through me. I made a surprised yelp and continued to stand up, my body being encased in a frosty wind that stung my face.

Suddenly there was a hand grabbing onto my arm, and it seemed as soon as I processed it was my hunter, we were already inside. "You didn't have to yank me..." I mumbled, following Kurapika to the elevator once more.

"We can't have you getting too cold again, plus you were taking too long to close the car door."

"Whatever, stupid hunter..."

We reached the fourth floor and made our way to room 207 in a comfortable silence, Kurapika walking a bit behind me. I was still hugging myself when I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall. "Is there a heater in here?" I asked, looking to my hunter as he closed the door.

I saw him scan the room before taking a few steps closer to me. "I don't think so..." He answered, his focus now centred on the window.

I looked to the window as well, noticing how dark it had become in such a short around of time. You could still see some snow, but only blurs of white really came into focus as the crystals continued to fall. "Good lord, you're all red again..." Kurapika said, bringing me out of my daydreaming. "you should know not to let yourself get so cold."

"I'm not that bad..."

"What, you're saying this nose isn't cold?" He mused, placing his fingers lightly over my nose and chuckling.

I smiled up at him, his somehow warm fingers making my nose feel the familiar tingle that his heat always brought. His eyes stayed on my nose for a moment before flickering up and tracing my eyes, his smile comfortably fading. I inhaled through my mouth and felt my chest tighten. "My lips are cold too." I mumbled, watching as Kurapika's eyes widened just slightly before returning to their original state.

His gaze lowered once more, this time settling on my mouth. "Kenta was right, they really do always turn blue when you're cold..." He murmured.

He dragged his fingers down, letting them brush over my nose and onto my lips. I took in a shaky breath and parted my mouth, studying my hunter's face. Kurapika pushed his thumb into my lower lip, exposing some of my teeth and stopping my heart in its' place. We exhaled at the same time, our eyes snapping to one another as the depth of the situation sunk in.

Kurapika swallowed hard, his eyebrows furrowing for a moment before he cleared his throat. "You should shower. It will warm you up." He said, his gaze on my lips as he removed his hand.

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