Chapter 40 - Bed Time

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Kurapika and I were now in my room. I was in the closet changing in to warmer clothes, and Kurapika was waiting by my bed. I walked out of my closet and sighed as Kurapika took my temperature, sticking a thermometer in my mouth and putting his hand on my forehead. "You still feel too cool to be healthy." He muttered, looking down to my lips and chuckling. "Your lips really do turn blue when you get cold, huh?"

I huffed and pushed his hand off of my forehead, taking the thermometer out of my mouth. "You watch yourself blondie. You're acting so feverishly..." I trailed off, looking to the numbers displayed on the thermometer.

95.6 F

Only 95.6 degrees? Whoops...

Kurapika took the thermometer from me and furrowed his eyebrows. "You know," I said, taking the thermometer back and slowly placing it on the coffee table. "Hypothermia is when the body goes under 95 degrees, so technically I still have .6 degrees to go."

The blonde stood there for a moment before swiftly picking me up and holding me bridal-style. "H-Hey! Let me go!" I cried, struggling a bit before looking into Kurapika's eyes.

"You are being difficult, stop it." He ordered.

I froze and looked at him blankly for a moment before quietly wrapping my arms around him. "S-Sorry..." I mumbled, lowering my gaze as the blonde carried my to my bed and set me down gently.

I stayed silent as he surrounded me with blankets, disappearing for a few minutes and coming back with tea. He handed a cup to me and I took it, taking a sip and eyeing him over the cup. "You don't need to be all angry..." I said quietly, watching as Kurapika sighed and looked to me.

"Don't act as though I'm overreacting, you did this to yourself." He said simply, closing his eyes and taking a drink of his own tea.

"I know..." I muttered, staring at the cup in my hands. "You better not me mad at me." I said after a moment, giving Kurapika puppy dog eyes and hoping they were effective.

Kurapika smiled just slightly. "I'm not angry at you. You're just,"


He let out a breath of amusement. "Yes."

Not a minute more passed before Trisha busted in to the room, rushing to my side. Kenta waltzed in after her, raising his eyebrows when he saw my cocoon of blankets. "I grabbed Trisha on my way here, I figured we might need a doctor." He said, closing the door behind him.

Trisha put her cheek on my forehead and sighed. "You really do like to take shitty care of yourself, huh." She remarked, one of her thin eyebrows raising.

"Trish, I'm just fine. Plus, I made a contract with a koi fish!" I exclaimed, smiling up to the girl.

She shook her head and laughed, her big curly hair swishing around her face and settling around her shoulders. "What?" I questioned, my head tilting slightly to one side.

"You're like a cute little child with your blankets and your excitement." She said, glancing to Kurapika before climbing on to my bed.

"Trish, what are you doing?" I asked, sitting up a bit more as the woman climbed over me.

"You wanted to hang out with me today, right? Well, since we aren't going out anytime soon, why don't we all hang out here?" She asked, sitting next to me and taking a drink out of my tea.

Kenta shrugged and got on the bed as well, sitting on the end of it and placing Trisha's feet in his lap. "You guys really don't have to stay, especially you Trish, I mean, don't you have work at the hospital?" I commented, looking up to her.

She shook her head and raised her nose slightly. "Who stayed with me after I got my top surgery?"

I sighed. "Me."

"And who sat by my side on my bed and fed me Fruit-Loops when I got my bottom surgery?"

I sighed once more, taking my cup from Trisha's hands and sipping it before speaking. "Me, but this is an entirely different situa-"

"Hush! Hey, Kurapika, what are you waiting for? Don't just stand there, we are having quality bed time." Trisha said, patting the bed.

Kurapika set his cup on my bedside table and climbed on top of the bed next to Kenta. The blonde looked over to Kenta, observing how Trisha's feet were in the man's lap. I looked to Kenta as well, watching him rub Trisha's feet as he was lazily looking at the bed spread, probably spacing out. Kurapika looked down to my feet, which were covered in two pairs of sock and wrapped with blankets, and gently lifted them, setting them on his own lap and smiling up to me. I felt my heart tighten and I smiled back at him.

Cute. Cute cute cute cute cu-

"So, where are you guys headed first? You're leaving tomorrow, right? That's what Kenta told me." Trisha said, tucking some of her poofy hair behind her ear.

"Yes," Kurapika answered, his hands resting on top of my feet. "We are heading to Glam Gas Land and will stay there for probably around two weeks. After that we'll most likely go to the desert on our way to YorkNew City, and then we'll see how much time we have and go from there." He explained.

Did he already think of all this in the short time since we talked about it?

"I see! That's quite the plan!" Trisha observed, taking her gaze from Kurapika to me. "You must be pretty excited to go to Glam Gas Land (Y/n)! Gosh, I went probably around three years now, but I'd still consider it to be the best time of my life!"

"You went to Glam Gas Land too?" I questioned.

Kurapika got off of the bed and grabbed the tea pot from the coffee table, refilling my cup before refilling his own as Trisha began to speak again. "Yeah! Kenta and I went together for his 18th birthday! Hey, you'll reach it around your 18th birthday, won't you? How lucky! You'll get there just in time to be able to drink and gamble!" She said, now fiddling with the ends of my hair.

"I guess you're right! Although, I don't have too much interest in gambling." I added, pulling one of the quilts closer to my face. "To be honest, I'm just excited to get out of here for a bit, even if it's only two months out of my life."

"You mean, before you have to marry me?" Kenta asked, his eyes still on Trisha's feet.

"Yeah." I said bluntly, my eyes on the mattress before looking up to Kenta. "You must be a bit happy as well, I mean, two months without having to pretend to be in love with me must sound great to you right about now." I joked, smiling once I saw his smile return.

"I'm just looking forward to spending time with this little gremlin." He said, squeezing Trisha's feet and making her squeal.

Trisha sat up and swatted one of her hands at him. "You just count yourself lucky. After all the shit you put me through, you should feel grateful I'm staying with your cocky ass." She retorted, her eyes reflecting the love that she felt for the man.

Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows, his gaze changing from one person to the next. "Is there, something I'm missing?" He said eventually, Kenta and Trisha both looking to him.

"(Y/n), have you not told him yet?" Trisha asked, looking to me.

"I haven't had the time! The dance was just last night and we haven't... you know... talked about it." I said, silently hoping that Trisha knew I didn't confess my undying love for the blonde.

"Oh, I see." She said, her eyebrows raised as she looked back to Kurapika. "Hun, we have some news."

Authors note: Yes, to answer all questions, (y/n) is 100% going to get drunk in Glam Gas Land. Also, Trisha is indeed trans!

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