Chapter 2 - Grumpy Beginnings

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After my father had satisfied himself he jumped out of the water, transforming back to his human state and stretching. "That wasn't too hard to adjust to at all! Although swimming these days puts such a strain on my old bones. (Y/n), please be considerate and make contracts with more helpful things in the future."

Jeez, not even a thanks? He wasn't even nice to me for five minutes...

"It's just that we don't really have a variety of new animals around here..." I begun, trailing off when I saw my fathers glare.

"I've already thought of that." He said coldly. "That's why I've hired Kurapika. Please, would both of you sit down?"

. . .

"You're sending me away?!" I just about yelled, looking to my father in confusion, pain in my eyes.

"Don't raise your voice, it's un-ladylike." He spat back at me.

The hunter stayed silent, still not looking at me.

I always knew my dad hated me, but...

"Father, what about my duties in our clan's village? I help teach the children and help heal the sick! I know I'm not your favourite person, but this hasn't been thought through!"

"Know your place, (y/n)." My father commanded. "You're the best tamer we have. Your communication skills with animals are incredible. Our clan needs you to venture out and make contracts with new creatures from around the world, not just here. You can't stay in this bubble forever."


"I've hired Kurapika to protect you on your mission, but first he will live here with us so that we can make sure he is trustworthy and qualified for this mission. Take it as an opportunity to get to know him."

"This isn't fair. I should be able to make my own decisions."

"(Y/n), it's becoming obvious that I've given you too much freedom as it is. Don't push it."

Too much freedom?

"...Yes, father."

"Now go and clean up while I explain more details to Kurapika. You look embarrassing." He said, mumbling the last bit just loud enough for the hunter and I to hear.

. . .

I was in my room now, changing into a silk dress and combing my hair. I had already washed off the sand and dirt that was on me, but I still felt rather dirty for some reason.

I guess I'll take a bath later.

I sat on my vanity's stool and looked into the mirror. I really couldn't hide the fact that I was hurt, I mean, out of all the good tamers in the clan, the head of the family was sending his own daughter away.

What a cruel way to say he hates me.

There was a knock on my door followed by the sound of someone clearing their throat. "... Miss (l/n)? It's Kurapika, may I come in?"

I looked into my own eyes in the mirror, seeing them narrow with anger. "Do as you wish." I said coolly.

There was a pause before the door opened, the blonde hunter walking in and examining the room. "You have a lovely room."

It's not any bigger than yours.

"... Thanks. Have you seen your room yet?"

"Oh, no I haven't."

"I'll assume my father expects me to show you. Follow me." I said, standing up and walking out of the door that the hunter had just opened.

The only guest room in the main estate was a room right next to mine. "This one's yours." I said flatly, opening the door and gazing into the room with bored eyes.

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