Chapter 46 - Foggy Trust

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Noise. What's that noise?

My eyes opened.

Oh, right, I'm in a car.

I blinked a couple of times and yawned, looking out the window again.

Hm? It's all foggy...

I put my finger on the glass window and dragged it down, smiling at the line I made with the condensation. I rubbed my eyes and sat up a bit more, rolling my shoulders back and groaning.

I guess sleeping in a car has its drawbacks...

"Did you sleep well?" Kurapika asked, making me fully process the situation I had awaken into.

I hummed tiredly and nodded my head, yawning again. "Where- how long have we been driving?" I asked, looking to my hunter.

"Around two hours, we are almost to Pethmers."


"It's a good sized town near here. It's known for festivals and it's pretty close to a coastal town, so we'll pass through them both on our way to Glam Gas Land. You should be able to pick up a couple new contracts, they are very full of wildlife."

"That sounds great." I sighed, my fingers drawing circles on the cold window.

"Are- have you even been listening to me?"

"Of course. I always listen to you."

"... You must be drowsy after waking up from that nap."

I smiled. "When will we reach Pathaners?"

"It's Pethmers, and we should be there in about five hours."

"Five hours?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Yes, are you alright with that?"

"Well- where- never mind, I suppose it's fine."

"Alright... nice hair, by the way." Kurapika commented, eyeing me.

My eyes widened and I brought my hands to my head. "Oh, hush up. Your hair is always boring, at least I have, um, texture?"


"I can't think of the word."

"Hm... is it diversity?"

"Yes! I think it is!"

Kurapika hummed and I looked back to the window, my smiling face reflecting just slightly through some of the glass. I began to draw on the condensation again, clearing the fog as I drew a stick figure carrying two swords. I sang quietly in content as I drew a stern face onto the stick figure, tilting my head to the side and gazing at it.

I looked back to Kurapika and saw him blowing some hair out of his face, looking to me once he felt my gaze. "Is, that me?" He asked after a moment, his attention now caught on the stick figure.

I turned my head back to the window and nodded. "Yup!" I stated proudly, admiring my work.

Kurapika studied it for a moment before speaking. "I look so boring."

I giggled. "You look dead inside." I added, my eyes still on the drawing.

Kurapika laughed. "Well, it's certainly accurate." He remarked, focusing back to the road.

I sighed at my window and looked to my hunter once more, watching as he blew more hair out of his face again and huffed in quiet dissatisfaction. I released a breath of amusement as he continued to drive, still struggling with his hair. "You know, staring at me and laughing isn't helping me focus on driving..." He said after a moment.

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