Chapter 44 - Hotels And Bad Dreams

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"This room is yours." Kurapika said, taking some sort of card and swiping it through a little slot next to the hotel room's door. "This is your key. You swipe it through the reader and it opens the door to your room."

I looked at the door blankly for a moment. "We aren't staying in the same room?"

"... No, did, did you want to?"

"... I- no, I was just wondering, because, I- I don't know..."

"I'm in the room right across from you, so if you need anything just come and get me."

"Yes, alright."

"I'm serious, it doesn't matter how late it is, I'll be there, alright?"

I changed my gaze from the door to his eyes. "I believe you." I said, giving him a smile before opening the door and looking into the room.

I grabbed my suitcase and entered the small room, examining the area. I peeked into the tiny bathroom and admired the simplicity of the bed that sat in the middle of the semi-empty room. "I love it." I murmured to myself, setting my suitcase down and walking over to the window.

"You do? I thought you would think it's cramped or ugly." Kurapika said from behind me.

I spun around, not aware that he had entered the room behind me. "Well, the floor is hideous. Who chooses the color vomit yellow?" I said, smiling when Kurapika began to laugh. "Nonetheless, it's lovely. I adore it."

He smiled to me and looked around the room. "Well, I should be off to bed now. We'll leave in the morning." He said, turning around and heading back towards the small door.

"Wait!" I called, just loud enough for him to hear.

The blonde turned back to me. "What? Is something wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed slightly in dismay.

I don't want you to go.

"No, sorry, um, I was wondering if you could wake me up tomorrow? You know me, I'm not exactly an early riser... And um, I didn't bring an alarm." I said, fiddling with my fingers.

Kurapika gave me one of his gentle smiles. "Of course, don't worry. Goodnight, my lady."

He called me my lady. That's the first time he's called me that since the incident. Oh my gosh I missed how he said that. He's- I-

"Yes, goodnight Kurapika." I responded, pushing my panicked thoughts to the back of my head.

He left, closing the door behind him and leaving me alone in the dimly lit room. Upon knowing he was in his own room and not by my side anymore, I became a bit feverish, no longer enjoying the hotel room all that much. It was too dark and quiet and unfamiliar. After standing in silence for a few moments, I collected myself and walked to the bathroom, washing my face and changing into my pajamas.

It felt weird to be wearing pants and a shirt instead of a nightgown, but I kind of liked it. I walked over to the bed, which was a bit smaller than the one I was used to, and got into it. I shivered at the coolness of the sheets before snuggling into the bed and grabbing one of the extra pillows that was there, hugging it to my chest. I wondered what Kurapika was doing, if he was already asleep or still getting ready for bed. I slowly dozed off after a few minutes, imagining all the adventures that were to come for Kurapika and me.

{  ~  }

He was speaking to me, but I couldn't understand it. Maybe he was mumbling, or speaking in a different language.

     Wait, who is it? Dad?

My father was angry, probably because I ruined another dress.

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