Chapter 67 - Showers

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Most of the votes yesterday wanted both, so author-chan is here to provide with that good shit.

"I thought your eyes turned red when you got angry. Why did they turn red before you... you know..." I trailed off, feeling the hot water hit my skin as I closed the door of the shower.

"I can control when my eyes turn scarlet to an extent, but when I'm not doing it out of my own will, they only turn scarlet when I'm affected by intense emotions. They've only ever turned scarlet when I've been angry, but I suppose you are the exception."

When he feels intense emotions, huh...

I nodded and placed some shampoo in my hand, beckoning for Kurapika to come closer to me. I rubbed my hands together and began to rub Kurapika's head, massaging the shampoo into his hair. He hummed and let his eyes drift along my features, returning to my gaze and smiling at me when I had finished cleaning his scalp.

"What?" I asked, smiling up to my hunter.

"You're beautiful."

I scoffed and shook my head, lowering my gaze.

He needs to stop flustering me like this...

He placed his hand on my chin and tilted my head up. "When I first met you I thought you were irritable and hotheaded, and to be fair, you are." He said, his smile growing as I huffed at him. "But how can something so strong be so tender and adoring?"

I felt my eyes widen a bit, surprised at the words he had said.

I've never been called tender before...

I took a few steps closer to him, my hands still tangled into his hair as I pulled him down to me and kissed him, water running in between us and splashing onto the shower's floor. Kurapika moaned into my mouth and pushed his tongue into me, pressing me into the shower wall and clutching onto my skin. I breathed into him and tugged at his hair, lifting one of my legs and wrapping it around him.

He moved from my lips to my neck, biting it and making me realize just how sore my skin was from the hours before. I let out a hot breath followed by an 'ah' sound, clinging onto his hair tighter and pushing myself into him.

This escalated quickly...

"You drive me crazy." Kurapika growled into my damp skin.

I tipped his chin up and looked into his eyes.

Yup, just as I thought.

"Your eyes turn red when you're aroused." I observed, seeing Kurapika's eyes widen a bit.

"But they never have before..."

"Well, do you want to fuck me right now?"

Kurapika furrowed his eyebrows before trailing his hand up in between my breasts and to my neck. There was silence between us, only the showers spraying and our heavy breathing breaking the quiet. He wrapped his hand around my throat and put light pressure on it, keeping me pinned to the wall. "These sudden bursts of confidence are giving me whiplash." He whispered, bringing his lips to my face and brushing them against my own. "I think you're doing this on purpose."

I inhaled, trying not to get flustered under him. "Of course not..." I mumbled, lowering my gaze to his lips and attempting to connect us.

Kurapika pushed me back to the wall, his mouth still centimetres from mine. "Come on." I whined.

Kurapika started to laugh, his smile caring and warm. "What? Kiss me!" I demanded, my eyes pleading with his.

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