Chapter 84 - Biting Pain

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"You're clueless." I Mused. "I'm travelling with Kurapika sure, but I'm sure as hell not in love with him."

Chrollo froze, and it seemed that the energy in the room completely shifted.

I know I'm tied to a pillar, but I'm pretty sure I'm the one in charge now.

An unfamiliar voice piped up. "Gee, it'd sure be nice to have Pakunoda right about now-"

"Don't speak that way." Another interrupted.

I sighed. "Listen, Kurapika disappeared a few days ago with no information on where he was going. And even if I knew where he was going, you guys aren't exactly compelling me into telling you. Can I go now?" I asked, leaning back against the cold pillar.

Play it cool. Just like that. These guys don't scare me.

It's only the Phantom Troupe, you know, the mass murderers who want to kill your boyfriend.

"Shut up!" One of them commanded.

I felt a cold fist strike me and fell to the left, the chains on my wrists jerking me back and making me collide with the pillar once again. They began talking amongst themselves in hushed tones, some of them aggravated, others calm, some of them not speaking at all.

Ahh, there are six men and two girls, I just thought that other short person wasn't a guy.

"Wait." Chrollo said, slowly turning back to me.

He walked right up to me and bent over slightly, tipping my chin up and pulling the collar of my shirt down. "Look." He stated, his head turning back to the group.

They all walked towards me, one of the girls smirking. "That looks a lot like one of his chains. Doesn't it? And what are those marks on your neck? How far do those go down, exactly?"

That's odd, I thought Kurapika told me people don't usually talk about their sex lives. I even got all embarrassed after I accidentally told Leorio...

Wait, stop thinking about that, look down.

I inhaled sharply, my eyes examining Chrollo's hand, which remained painfully close to my face.

Alright, here's your chance. Focus your energy.

What has really sharp teeth? A wolf?

Wait, I can transform into anything, even things I haven't made contracts with, right?

No, it's too risky right now. I don't know if I'll accidentally completely transform, and I can't let these guys know about my immunity.

I focused my energy, feeling my mouth open slightly as sharp wolves teeth replaced my normal ones.

It's a safe option, after all, I know for a fact I can take on certain parts of animals I've made contracts with without losing control and shifting completely.

I bit down on Chrollo's hand as hard as I could, narrowing my eyes as I sunk my teeth into him as far as they would go. I watched as he stood still for a moment before retracting his palm and looking at it, a curious look on his face. Blood began to ooze out of the teeth marks and I quickly retracted the wolf fangs, replacing them with my normal teeth and smiling slightly before spitting out some of Chrollo's blood that had gotten in my mouth.

Phinks walked up to Chrollo and inspected his hand. "What the hell?! Those aren't even human teeth! Come'ere." He ordered, walking up to me and squeezing my cheeks, exposing the now completely normal teeth in my mouth. "You're playing games, aren't you. Do you have any idea who you're messing with?!"

"Phinks, please." Someone interrupted, but I was more focused on Phink's hand, which remained squeezing my face.

You're going to regret that, blondie.

Forget trying not to screw up. Worst comes to worst I accidentally completely transform into an animal I don't have a contract with, and even then I can just turn into a plant or something.

So think (y/n), what has sharp teeth.

Wait, no.

What has poisonous teeth.

Ohohoho, I remember studying something like that.

Montivipera xanthina, also known as a viper. A snake with venomous fangs that can kill someone in as quickly as ten minutes. That'll do.

Focus (y/n), focus. You know how to do this now, so do it.

I took a deep breath and kicked Phinks as hard as I could, waiting for him to move his hand so that I could freely move my face. He shifted his hand and groaned, leaving me the perfect opportunity to snap down onto his wrist. He cried out in pain and tried yanking his hand away, but my two inch fangs were already completely in his skin.

"Fuck!" He yelled, taking his other hand and hitting my face.

I endured the hit, and it moved me a bit, but all it really did was shift my teeth's grasp on the man, making the pain of the wound even more torturous for him.

That's what you get, douchebag.

Someone else came over and gripped onto my hair, pulling my head back slightly and attempting to expose my teeth. When I felt their strength grow and my head retract, I took the viper's fangs away and replaced them with my normal teeth once again, this time spitting out a bit more blood, although none of it was mine.

I smiled at the powerful sensation.

I've never felt strong. Never in my whole life. I've felt like a burden. But now? I think I might be pretty badass.

Phinks writhed in pain, grabbing his arm and letting himself be surrounded by other members. "When you looked in her mouth, did she hand snake fangs?" Someone asked.

"No, goddamnit I wouldn't have kept my hands on her if she did! I'm not stupid!" Phinks replied.

Chrollo nodded calmly and looked down to his hand. "And this appears to be a bite from a canine species. It seems her clan has more to it than just transforming themselves completely into animals."

Wait a minute.

Can other people from the head clan not take on certain attributes from animals?

If I'm the only one that can refrain from transforming completely, and I'm immune...

Aight. Who the hell am I?!

"Aye! Feitan! Do whatever you want with her, but make sure not to kill her, I have a feeling she knows where the chain user is." One of them called.

I watched as the short man I had mistaken as a women earlier approached me, his eyes half lidded and half of his face concealed with some kind of turtle neck. He said nothing, simply extending his arm in an all too familiar way.

Great. I'm about to be knocked out again, aren't I.

Authors note: I hope you all liked this chapter because things are about to go to shit more than they already have.

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