Chapter 90 - Watching The Screen

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It was one of the most horrible things I had ever seen. Not because of the gore, but because the girl in the video was (y/n). Our (y/n). The one person who would never do anything to deserve this.

"Holy shit." I breathed, taking a step back and feeling my insides tighten.

"Where's the chain user?" The voice demanded again.

He was standing out of the frame just slightly, so all I could see was (y/n), who had just about every injury you could imagine.

"Shut up!" She yelled back, her voice hoarse and eyes squeezed shut.

There was silence, and then fear flashed across (y/n)'s eyes as a wooden mallet came into the screen. Anger filled my lungs as the guy, who I now knew was Feitan, swung the hammer back and slammed it down into (y/n)'s wrist. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out more than a breathy whimper.

Not a moment passed before the mallet was up in the air again, clashing down onto one of (y/n)'s feet. She flinched back and Feitan stood up, looking up to the camera before stepping out of view.

There was a cut to a black screen before the film started again, a different time on the bottom of the footage.

"Where's the chain user?" Feitan asked again, spinning the mallet that was now covered in a mix of new and dried blood.

(Y/n) didn't respond this time, her eyes low and tired, blood slowly oozing out of her nose. Feitan slammed the hammer down onto her knee, making her leg jolt and her body shudder.

God make it stop.

I was about to say something, but the metal door in the room opened, exposing someone who made my blood boil.


Feitan popped his neck before speaking again. "Where is the ch-"

"Feitan, it's morning. Why don't you get some rest while I talk to our friend here." Chrollo's voice interrupted. "Hello (y/n). I think it's time for us to chat."

I narrowed my eyes.

I can't watch this anymore.

"Kurapika, shut it off." I muttered, my eyes still glued to the tv.

"No no, not yet. Let's hear what Chrollo has to say. It might be important." Hisoka said.

Chrollo took a chair and put it in front of (y/n), sitting and clasping his hands together. "We have nothing to 'chat' about." (Y/n) muttered, tipping her head back slightly and eyeing the man.

Chrollo leaned forward. "I'm not going to hurt you, you seem pretty beat up already."

(Y/n) briefly exhaled. "Who's fault is that?" She retaliated.

Chrollo hummed and leaned back in his chair. "Would you mind telling me about the chain user? Nothing that would help us find him, of course, but you seem extremely loyal. What has he done to deserve such a woman, I wonder?" He questioned.

(Y/n) glared at Chrollo, so much hatred burning through her eyes it was intimidating, even to me. "You say that as if he's a bad man. What has Kurapika done to deserve me? What has anyone done to deserve anything?... What did I do to deserve this..."

Poor thing.

"... He's gentle." (Y/n) said after a moment, her face softening at the thought of Kurapika.

Chrollo said nothing as he waited for (y/n) to continue. "... I was raised surrounded by aggressive alpha males who never listened to a word I had to say. I was shoved into studying plants and animals, called weak, and physically and emotionally abused my entire life. When Kurapika came, I was completely closed off. Hell, I must have yelled at him everyday."

Chrollo had a reaction this time, tilting his head comfortably to the side before speaking. "... Yelled? You said he was gentle?"

"It burned. When people touched me." (Y/n) said, her face contorting as she caught a glimpse of herself. "Kurapika wasn't one of those people, but he was strong and hard to read and- I don't know... I wasn't used to being treated the way he treated me, so I pushed him away for a while... But, it was okay because he was different. Respectful. He truly believed I wasn't a failure, or- or an object to be given to someone as compensation for weakness. And we fell in love. Slowly— and then all at once."

Chrollo nodded along to the things she was saying, as if he hadn't done anything to hurt the girl. "So, you haven't been with him long? And you're like this? You two must have shared something with one another. Something that others may not understand." He added.

"What do you mean by that?" (Y/n) asked.

"The chain user. You said he's closed off. He seems like it. Hard to get to— emotionally. But you two, having not been together for very long, you've- you've done things with him. Haven't you?"


What the hell is this guy getting at?

"... Am I wrong?" Chrollo asked after a moment. "And now that you're here, wouldn't you wish to— take it back?"

(Y/n) took a deep breath and drooped a bit, her eyes exhausted and body broken. "Looking back, there were probably other things that could've been done. But at the end of the day, we needed each other." She choked, tears forming in her eyes. "In those moments, we needed to prove that we belonged to one another. All of us, without insecurity or uncertainty or... In retrospect, I don't think I regret it. If I have to be tortured to protect my lover, I'll do it."

God someone stop this mess.

"... I just- don't understand. Why?" Chrollo asked.

(Y/n) stayed silent for a moment before answering. "If I'm hurt for anyone, I want it to be for him." She uttered, more tears falling from her eyes.

Isn't that what Kurapika said?

I hated it. Every part of it. I wanted to cry for her and scream for her and I wanted to bash Chrollo's thick skull in.

The bastard.

Chrollo stayed silent for a moment, watching (y/n) begin to break down and sob. He stood up and sighed before approaching the camera. "... Love, is a dangerous thing. Isn't it?" He remarked.

(Y/n) froze for a moment before smiling. "Love is the best thing that's ever happened to me."

That's enough.

"Turn it off, god damnit." I urged, pulling my eyes from the screen and to Kurapika.

Kurapika. Oh no.

His eyes were stuck on the screen and so wide I feared they would pop out, his irises burning the red color I couldn't forget. But the worst part about the sight wasn't his terrified and infuriated face, but the fact that tears were streaming out of both of his wide eyes, his hands clasped together so tightly they were beginning to turn white.

He walked up to the tv, not turning it off, but punching a hole straight through the screen. The light sputtered out and Kurapika roughly retracted his fist, turning slowly back to me and the others. "Let's go." He said simply, walking straight past us and to the hotel room's door.

This is bad.

Authors note: Someone wanted a double update and I feel bad for scaring my babies yesterday <3

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