Chapter 18 - All But Sick

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"Sorry about that, Angela likes to pop in unannounced." I sighed, walking over to Kurapika. "Thank you, for being patient with me. I find it hard to understand you, but I do understand that you are a very good person, and I'm thankful for that." I said, smiling up at the blonde.

His eyes widened a bit before he smiled back. "You speak so highly of me, as if I never get angry." He mused, making me laugh softly.

"But any other man would've been fed up with me by now. I got lucky with you, blondie." I replied, my eyes shimmering.

I took the opportunity of being closer than usual to grab both of Kurapika's hands, leading him out into the center of the room where the most open space was. He looked at me with eyes that said, 'I know exactly where this is going, but I also know there's nothing I can do to stop it.' As I whirled around him, pulling the hunter with me as I moved my feet and turned all around the room.

"You know I don't dance." The blonde urged, lazily letting me yank him around the room.

"Of course I do. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it!" I chimed, spinning myself into him and being pleasantly surprised when he caught me, his hands on my waist.

I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into his dark eyes. "Do you waltz, Kurapika?" I asked, swaying from side to side and beckoning for him to do the same.

It seemed as though he was about to give in, but suddenly something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. It was a hummingbird sitting outside my window. I narrowed my eyes and walked away from Kurapika, approaching the door.

I can't believe this.

The bird flew away as soon as I came closer to it. I closed the window and shut the curtains, huffing to myself. "Hummingbirds don't just perch anywhere, and they don't fly this high." I stated, walking over to my bed and falling onto it. "Angela always has been nosy..." I mumbled.

"That bird, was Angela?"

"Yup. I should've assumed she would spy on us. Too bad all she saw was your sad excuse of dancing." I teased, turning my head to look at the hunter.

He chuckled softly. "I'll be going to my room now. Sleep well, my lady."

I sat up and glared at him. "How many times have I told you not to call me that? Stupid hunter." I hissed in fake anger, making the blonde turn back to me from his place at the door.

He raised an eyebrow. "Right then. Goodnight, goddess divine." He retorted, making me laugh.

"Much better. Goodnight, blondie."

. . .

The next couple of days were extremely busy, and not that I cared, but Kurapika and I had barely had anytime to ourselves. From filling in Angela's classes at the school to helping more at the infirmary, my schedule had become swamped all because of sickness season. It was now Friday, and although I was thankful for the weekend approaching, I was not excited for the dress fitting that was to take place just the next day. "It's around dinner time, do you and Kurapika want to leave?" Trisha's voice asked as I wrapped an injured leg. "You've been here all day, aren't you getting sick of... well... sick of sick people?" She continued, taking the bandages from my hands.

She shooed me out of the stool I was sitting on and took my place wrapping the leg. "(Y/n), you work too hard. Go find your boy and get dinner. And I better not see you for the rest of the day."

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