Chapter 15 - Sleepy Sundays

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After eating lunch on my bed, I felt rather tired again and decided to take another nap. Kurapika agreed with the idea and grabbed another book from my shelves, sitting at his usual stool and shifting a bit in an attempt to get comfortable. "Geez, I'm pretty sure you'll have read that entire bookcase by the end of this month." I commented, a smile growing on my face as I brushed my hair.

"You have a very fine taste in books. I'm enjoying myself." He said, his eyes glued to a page as he shifted in his seat once more.

"You know, if you're in discomfort you can come and sit by me." I offered, avoiding eye contact with the blonde by examining the ends of my hair.

"Oh, I'm fine, thank you."

"Come on, I've lived here a hell of a lot longer than you and know how uncomfortable those chairs are. My bed is huge, why don't you sit by me?" I questioned, placing my brush to the side and raising an eyebrow at Kurapika.

He sighed and raised half lidded eyes to me. "You aren't going to leave me alone until I sit with you, right?" He averred, closing his book and carrying it to the side of my bed.

"Nope~" I giggled, rolling over to face the blonde who was now getting onto the large bed and sitting with his legs crossed.

He began reading again, and I huffed to myself, half expecting him to do something, but having no idea what I wanted him to do. My heart skipped a beat as the image of his eyes focusing into mine came rushing back into my head.

Geez, I feel all weird again. It must be the medicine Higarami gave me, that old witch...

I closed my eyes once more and felt my body relax as my mind wandered around, thinking about random memories and thoughts I'd had. The sound of Kurapika's soft chuckle swam into my mind, making me think of how he teased me after I woke up. How the corners of his lips turned upwards just slightly as he poked fun at my hair. How his eyes looked so sorrowful except when they were looking into my own. How his heart held more grief and heartache than I had ever sensed before...

. . .

Something's tickling my nose, is it a bug? It'll fly away...


It's not flying away.

I scrunched my nose and accepted that I was officially awake, noticing that it was now dark through my hazy eyes.

It's night now, isn't it? I can see the moon through my window...

I rolled over and closed my eyes once more, freezing when I felt warm breath on my face. My eyes shot open and suddenly I was staring down a sleeping Kurapika. He was on his back facing me, and judging by the open book on his lap and the drool coming out of his mouth, he probably didn't mean to fall asleep. I laughed quietly, tilting my head to the side as I half-admired the sleeping boy. I took the book from him and closed it, setting it on the bedside table.

What time is it? It feels late...

I eyed Kurapika's hand and saw that he wore a watch on his wrist.


I sat up and peered over to his watch, reading the time and widening my eyes. "It's three in the morning?!" I blurted out, my hand shooting up to my mouth immediately as I had exclaimed it.

Kurapika stirred, his eyes fluttering a bit before settling again.

Should I wake him up? It's a bit late for that...

I carefully got out of my bed and went to the closet, putting on my nightgown and examining the boy once more. I didn't notice myself slowly getting closer to him until we were face to face. He looked much different when he was sleeping, and not even in the way that he looked more relaxed. His face no longer held the tension and seriousness that it always did. He looked so.... soft.

I took the quilt from the edge of the bed and carefully laid it over him, my nose inches away from his. "Goodnight, blondie." I whispered, touching my forehead to his.

I chuckled after a moment of staying like that, leaning back and smirking. "I still don't understand you." I breathed before exiting the room.

Well he's sleeping in my room, so I'll just sleep in his.

Walking down the hall with soft feet and hesitating before opening the door to Kurapika's room, I contemplated going back and waking him once more.

What if there's something in here that I'm not supposed to see?

But then again, what would he have to hide? I'm too damn tired for this...

I pushed open the door and got on top of the bed, but I didn't want to get into it so I settled with a quilt and laid flat onto the mattress, staring at the ceiling. I smiled softly, recalling Kurapika completely asleep on my bed. Taking a deep breath and noticing that the bed smelled exactly like the boy, I felt my eyes widen, sitting up and looking around the room.

He's not here, dumb ass. The sheets and pillows just smell like him.

I snorted to myself and looked down at my quilt, fiddling with it as my lips pursed. Without looking backwards, I stuck my hand out and patted around the bed until I found a pillow. I grabbed it and brought it to my lap, staring at it for a moment before hugging it to me.

It's not my fault his bed is so damn cold...

I fell flat back onto the bed once more and held the pillow against my chest, inhaling the smell of it. It held a very comforting and familiar scent, making me smile softly and let my eyes flutter shut.

It's also not my fault he smells good, even if he does drive me up the wall...

My eyes were closed now, but I wasn't quite asleep. I was huddled under the quilt to try to maintain heat, yet my feet were still freezing.

I'm probably not tired now because my nap was so long, right? Why else wouldn't I be able to sleep? Kenta? The dress fitting? Having to leave?

No. I think I'm excited to leave, which is weird to formally think, but it's been sounding nicer and nicer as these days go on and I'm not even sure why...

. . .

My face scrunched as I opened my eyes, immediately squinting at the light that peered through the window and into my face. "Geez, does he not know you can close the curtains? Stupid hunter..." I grumbled, rolling over and sitting up.

I closed my eyes once more and stretched my hands over my head, sighing loudly. "Do you always call me stupid hunter in your own time? Or just in the mornings?" A voice asked, making my heart skip a beat.


I didn't bother opening my eyes, but I felt my lips form a cheeky smile. "Only in the mornings. Do you always watch me while I sleep?" I countered back.

"Only when you fall asleep in my room and I need to change clothes." He replied.

I opened my eyes to see Kurapika in a new set of clothes, his hair more tidy and his face pulled into a smirk. "I didn't want to wake you." I answered honestly, looking down to the bed and seeing the pillow I held so dearly the night before. "Looking back I guess I didn't really think through the decision, but it was three in the morning and I don't know, it made sense at the time..." I trailed of, groggily getting out of the bed and walking towards the door.

"Oh, by the way," Kurapika began, making me turn around and look into his eyes. "Your maid was the one to wake me up. She knocked on the door and said something about the Nakamura family arriving soon." He said, adjusting the collar of his shirt.

Oh shit.

"Oh shit! My dad told me yesterday I- how could I forget?! Oh lord, will you help me?"

Authors note: EHEHEHE

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