Chapter 37 - A Makeup Dance

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"You look ravishing tonight."

My heart stopped in it's place.

*internal screaming*

"Th- thank you." I said weakly, my eyes still on the road.

"Thanks for teaching me how to dance, by the way. I didn't think I was going to need it, but now I'm glad I came prepared."

I turned back to my hunter, my heart threatening to stop again when I saw him. "What happened last night. It was a fluke. I was caught up in the moment and not thinking straight. I'm sorry." I said, my words fading in and out as I forced the sentences out of my mouth.

Kurapika stayed silent for a moment, but I didn't dare look back into his eyes. "Yes, a fluke, that's what I assumed. After all, it looked like you and Kenta were getting along very well back there."

My chest tightened. "Y-yes, I believe I can be happy with him."

"I see."

I turned back towards the railing, inhaling the now cold air that surrounded me. "You're wearing your contacts again."

"Yes, there were many people around, I thought it would be better to wear them in case anything happened."

"... Is that the only reason?"

"... What other reasons would their be?"

"... I- I feel stupid for trying to kiss you. I'm sorry... God, how humiliating..."

Kurapika walked next to me, resting his elbows on the railing and gazing into the darkness. "Don't feel bad. You've been through a lot recently, it makes sense that you would, act out, so to speak."

"... So you think this is about what my father wants too? God, you sound like Angela..."

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, I should get back to bidding the guests farewell. I'll see you later."

"Yes, see you..."

I left the hunter on the balcony, heading back to the mostly empty ballroom. Kenta and Angela came up to me, Kenta giving me a hug and bidding me farewell while Angela stayed silent, leaving without another word. I watched in dissatisfaction and Kenta gave me a reassuring look before kissing me on the cheek and exiting with Angela. My father had bid everyone he thought was important a goodbye, but left shortly after, leaving me alone in the ballroom with my beloved cousin, Trisha. "Did you enjoy your night?" She asked, coming up to me and smiling sympathetically. "You really do look angelic, no wonder that hunter of yours was admiring you all night~"

"Don't even." I said, trying to smile.

"Honey, you really are in a mess." She sighed, looking to the balcony. "Oh, what's this? It seems I better get a move on..." She said, patting my back before spinning me around towards the front door.

There stood Kurapika, bent over with an arm extended. "What are you doing?" I asked, my tone tired.

"You told me the first step was to ask you partner if they wanted to dance." He said simply, his dark eyes meeting mine.

I smiled sadly and took his hand, letting him guide me to the middle of the large, now empty room. "There's no music..." I mumbled as he placed his hands on my waist just as Kenta did.

I put my hand on his shoulder, the other holding some of my dress up. "So you were watching me dance with Kenta, huh? How else would you know how to hold me like this?"

"It was an enthralling performance."

I chuckled, letting him slowly move me the same way we did the night before. I smiled at him, hoping it seemed genuine.

He doesn't know you're in love with him. How does that make you feel?

I don't know...

I began humming lightly, Kurapika matching the dancing to the tune. I tried not to laugh as I watched him gracefully fumble around, not really knowing what he was doing, but doing it well anyways.

Funny, I almost like Kenta because he's a good dancer, but I still love Kurapika even though he's shit at it.

I giggled to myself, still trying to hum along to our dancing. "What? What's so funny?" Kurapika asked, one of his eyebrows raised.

I just shook my head and continued to weakly hum, the tune breaking up as I kept laughing. After a moment, Kurapika spoke again. "... Is my dancing that bad?"

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter, my hand moving from my dress to cover my mouth. "You look so lost, it's so cute!" I said in between laughs, my other hand moving to support myself on Kurapika's chest.

Kurapika started to laugh gently, no longer waltzing, but slowly swaying us from side to side. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, winter is supposed to come earlier this year, so we have to leave around three days earlier."

I looked up to him. "Three days? Doesn't that mean we are leaving the day after tomorrow?"

"I know it's short notice, I'm sorry. Your father and I already discussed it, and everything should be ready in time."

"Oh, I guess it doesn't really matter to me, I just thought I'd have time to, I don't know, do more stuff..."

"You mean, with Kenta?"

"... Y-Yeah."

"Well, you'll only be gone for two months, and then you have the rest of your life to be with him."


Our dancing slowed to a stop and I reluctantly let go of Kurapika, backing up just a few steps before looking down at my dress. "It's late, let's go to bed." I said, smiling up at the hunter for a moment before heading towards the large staircase.

He followed close behind me like he always did, staying quiet so that the only noises between us were my heels and his dress shoes. I kept my eyes trailing the ground, my mind wandering around everything that had happened that night.

I should tell Kurapika that Kenta and I don't like each other, right? I mean, he should know that I don't actually like Kenta.

"Hey, Kura-"

"(Y/n)!" Another voice cut in, interrupting me.


I looked to my right to see my father leaving his office and looking at me, his eyes cold and voice stern as always. "Did Kurapika inform you of the change?" He asked, his gaze flickering to the hunter before settling back on to me.

"Yes, he did." I replied simply.

"Good. Because tomorrow is the last full day you will spend here, I've cleared your schedule so that you can spend the day with Kenta."

"That's lovely, thank you, father." I said, flashing him a small smile before heading up the rest of the staircase and down the hallway.

I saw him nod and turn around out of the corner of my eye as I continued up the stairs and to my door. I placed my hand on the door nob and turned my head to Kurapika, who was now entering his room. "Wait, Kurapika." I called, just loud enough for him to hear.

He backed up slightly and faced me. "Yes?"

"I- um, please, don't wear your contacts tomorrow."

Maybe it's better if I don't tell him the Kenta situation until we leave...

"... Why not?"

I let my eyes trail over the walls, not quite sure what reasoning I even had, but trying to come up with something that would make sense. "You'll have to wear them when we leave, right? Because of all the people around? Well, you should enjoy the last day of, freedom, or whatever... Right?"

He looked at me for a moment before he smiled his soft smile. "I suppose you're right. Goodnight, (y/n)."

No, 'my lady' tonight?

"Yes. Goodnight." I said, entering my room and staring at the wall.

I'm a mess, and it's your fault, stupid hunter...

authors note: I want to spoil what happens but I CAN'T

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