Chapter 53 - Night Talks

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I approached the bed quietly, scrunching my hair with my hands and looking out the window. It was quite dark now, the moon barely visible through the snow fall. I sighed and smiled a bit in its direction, moving towards my side of the bed and slowly mounting it.

Kurapika was still paying no mind to me, and even though the behaviour wasn't unordinary or rude, I still almost felt dissatisfied towards it. "Pretty night." He mumbled, his eyes still on his novel.

I hummed and sat on top of the comforter, watching as Kurapika put his book down and got off of the bed. "Where are you off too?" I asked, my eyes hovering over the book before tracing the hunter.

"I'm going to shower." Kurapika said lazily, taking his jacket off and draping it over his suitcase.

I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me, and looked to my own book that still sat on the edge of the bed.

I don't have energy to read...

I took the book and placed it onto the bedside table, hopping off of the bed and looking at it.

We haven't discussed who is going to sleep in the bed. Are we both going to sleep in the bed? No...

What does Kurapaika think? There's no couch or anything, and he would never have me sleep on the floor, but it would be cruel to have him sleep on the floor, wouldn't it?

I huffed.

Looks like I'm sleeping on the floor. No way my hunter isn't sleeping in a bed.

I nodded to myself and grabbed a pillow, placing it onto the hard carpet. I got onto my knees and and placed my head carefully onto the pillow, squirming around for a bit until I considered myself semi-comfortable. I laid there in silence before rolling onto my back and staring at the ceiling.

This is fine.

I almost laughed to myself, finding it funny how much I avoided letting Kurapika know how much I liked him. I spaced out for a bit, thinking of nothing in particular as I felt my body begin to ache.

I'm not going to be very happy with myself in the morning...

Not too long after I began to daydream again, I heard the bathroom door open, snapping me out of my thoughts and making my heart pound a bit heavier.

"What are you doing?" Kurapika asked.

"Shh. I'm asleep."

"You- you are not."

"I would be if you weren't talking."

"Why are you on the floor?"

"The floor is more comfy than that rock of a bed."

"I'm sure the floor isn't too much more comfortable than the bed."

I hear his footsteps draw near me and I closed my eyes, rolling to my side so that I was facing away from him. "Come on now, why are you really on the floor?" He asked, his voice reflecting a bit of exhaustion.

"... I didn't want you to have to sleep on the floor..."

"Why would I sleep on the floor?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up. "Well, where would you sleep if not the floor? One of us goes on the bed and the other somewhere else, do you plan to sleep in the bathtub?"

Kurapika stood there for a moment before laughing, his smile pure, yet somehow agitating in the moment. "What? Why are you laughing?" I asked, standing up and looking down at myself.

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