🍋Chapter 103 - Christmas Special Part 5🍋

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So obviously imma do it. Duh.

But author put a lil spin on this one. She made it a lil 😳🌶🧍‍♂️🧍🧍‍♀️

Anyway let's get into itttt. (Mature warning for consensual sexual content :))

. . .

It was morning— no— night. I stood at the edge of the hotel room, nothing adorning my skin but soft socks and a large t-shirt that trailed just past my thighs. The rain had stopped, leaving the moon to swim through the cold late air alone. I watched buildings in the distance, trying to make out small shapes and words from where I was. It was almost overwhelming to think— so many people, just like me— going through life and all of its glories.

Lips traced along my shoulder. I exhaled. The lights in the room were dim— in fact, the only light switched on was the lamp. Yet I could see perfectly fine, for the city illuminated the rest of the room. The lips trailed up to my neck. I took a deep breath in and rolled my head away from the mouth, leaving more room for kisses. "You're so different from what I know." I murmured.

A hand ran softly across my thigh. Another hand ran under my shirt, tracing along my side. The mouth moved to my jawline, soon leaving a displaced kiss against the edge of my own lips. I fixed my posture and turned my head towards him, letting my eyes begin to flutter closed. But another pair of hands emerged from the opposite side of me, gripping my chin and fixing my head in the other direction. "You'd kiss your doctor before your fiancé?"

I opened my eyes again, but my eyelids stayed hooded in dark interest. "Kurapika, you haven't even given me a ring." I replied with a smirk.

Leorio's hands both traveled under my shirt now, gripping both sides of my hips and pulling me lightly towards him. My ass softly hit his hips, and he let his hands travel down over my curves— leaning his head forward to whisper into my ear, "Are you regretting this yet?"

I swallowed harshly. My eyes were burning into Kurapika's, daring him to touch me the way he had so many times before. Leorio wasn't hesitant for a moment, jumping at the opportunity to make me his own. So why was Kurapika standing there with red eyes, staring at me like I was a piece of meat? Then, as if he could read my mind, he loosened his tie and took a step towards Leorio and I. His head tilted to the side and he grabbed my chin once more, tipping my gaze upwards. He leaned down to my other ear, a deviant smile plastered on his face. "You're a little slut for finding this so arousing, you know."

I released a shaky breath as Kurapika's hands found Leorio's— leading the taller man's grip to my breasts. He leaned back and eyed Leorio before looking down to my eyes. "This is going to be fun."

Kurapika tied his hair up and began kissing my neck. "You just can't get enough of us touching you, can you?" My hunter purred.

Leorio's right hand left one of my breasts and came up to my collar. He pulled my shirt over my shoulder, exposing more of my skin. He began to kiss the newly accessed area, sometimes pausing and exhaling hot air onto my cold skin. "She looks like she bruises easily." Leorio commented.

Kurapika smiled, taking his lips off of me for a moment. "She does."

Leorio chuckled darkly at this, releasing me and walking around to the front of my body. He pulled the collar of my shirt down again, this time exposing the skin in between my breasts. "I've seen your work." The doctor said, dragging his fingers along the old hickies Kurapika had left.

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