Chapter 64 - Sad Lovely Night

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Oh shit.

"Kurapika? Shit, what happened?!"

Leorio was standing, supporting Kurapika by holding one of his arms over his shoulder. "His injuries are very minor, but one of the thugs was able to use nen. I'm not sure what happened, but he's not doing too hot. He told me you're good with emotions or something, so I brought him here..." Leorio explained, leading Kurapika into the room.

"Jesus Leorio, take him to a hospital!" I exclaimed, following him as he took Kurapika to the bedroom.

"They won't be able to heal a mental issue, especially one caused by nen. Listen, I need to go, but he'll be fine, alright?"

"How do you know?!"

"I've seen this type of nen before, he'll be okay before morning even comes."

"He's not talking, is he even processing the things around him?"

"Don't worry, it's really not that big of a deal. Trust me he's been through much worse..."

Kurapika looked up to us, his eyes reflecting a melancholy haze, even through his dark contacts. "Leorio, go. Finish it."

He sounds so sad...

I looked up to Leorio. "I trust you, alright? I'll do it, I can take care of things here." I stated, nodding to the tall man.

"I'll be back in the morning, I can take a deeper look at his injuries then, too."

"Be safe."

Leorio smirked. "Don't worry, I'm practically invincible."

And with that, he was gone.

. . .

Kurapika sat on the edge of the bed, his hands clasped together in between his legs and his elbows resting on his thighs. He didn't have his contacts on anymore, and he was wearing the loosely fit tank top again, which was now exposing the new injuries he had earned from his fight.

Good thing I trained with Trisha at the infirmary so much...

I took a deep breath and walked over to Kurapika, standing in between his knees and looking down to him. He reluctantly lifted his head, his grey eyes showing more pain than I had ever seen them in before.

"Oh, baby." I whispered, watching as Kurapika's eyes began to water.

He leaned forward and placed his forehead on my chest, his breathing uneven and cuts still bleeding. I came closer to him and hugged his head, running my hands gently through his hair. He stayed like that for a good five minutes, his face not visible to see but his feelings incredibly present. He leaned back and away from my touch, his gaze lowering to the wall and not wavering. I simply gripped the bottom of his tank top and pulled it up, tapping Kurapika when his arms needed to be lifted.

I threw the shirt on the floor and examined the hunter's chest, which was riddled with blood and rather dirty injuries. "Look at you..." I muttered, walking to the bathroom and wetting a towel.

I came back and examined my hunter's body again, not focused on how beautiful or toned it was this time, but instead how much I wanted to care for it, how much I wanted it to be okay. I took the rag and pressed it to a cut on Kurapika's shoulder, making him wince and groan softly. I ignored the action, cleaning the wound before going to my bag and grabbing the first-aid kit that I had brought. I cleaned two more wounds and placed bandages over them before moving to the bigger ones.

"Are there some on your back, too?" I asked, looking to Kurapika's face.

"... No." He said, his gaze still dark and meek.

I sighed and lowered my head, nuzzling my nose into his neck and wrapping my arms around him. "It crushes me to see you like this..." I mumbled into his skin.

He wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

I pulled away from him and looked at my work, observing the body that was now riddled with bandages instead of cuts. "You need sleep now." I said, walking around him and to my bed.

I pulled the covers down and patted the mattress, watching as Kurapika didn't move one muscle. I huffed and walked in front of him, grabbing his hands and pulling him up. "Come on now, pants off." I stated, walking to the bathroom and ringing out the bloodied towel.

I stayed in the bathroom a few moments more than necessary, just to make sure Kurapika would be done undressing by the time I came back. I returned to the first aid kit, closing it and placing it on the bedside table before changing my focus back to Kurapika, who was now under the covers and sitting up in the bed, staring blankly at the mattress. I climbed right over him to my side of the bed, looking at him for a moment before getting into the sheets. Once I was safely under the covers I turned off the lamp and took a deep breath.

I looked back to my hunter, who was still stoic in his sitting position. "Hey, blondie." I whispered, waiting for Kurapika's gaze to slowly drift down to me before continuing. "Come here."

I laid back into the bed, my head flat on a pillow as I extended my arms towards my hunter. He said nothing, but lowered himself down as well, meeting my touch and pressing himself into me. He cuddled his head into my chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my chin on top of his head. He snaked both of his arms around my torso and pulled me closer to him, my stomach pressed to his bare skin. I began talking softly to him, about nothing in particular, trying to get his mind off of whatever the hell had happened.

"Did you know you're an Aries? That means that you're creative, and ambitious. You're vigorous too, I think Aries is quite fitting for you. You're brave, and honest, and sure you're impulsive sometimes but... Aries is a good sign, so, that's good. You um, you have qualities of a leader, which is nice because you've been leading me all around the country-"


"... Yes?"

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"... You should sleep."


I laughed softly and kissed his head, just as he had done to me the night before.

Authors note: Whoops my hand slipped.

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