Chapter 27 - Party Ideas

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Kurapika and I had gone back to the house and hung out in my room, the hunter reading a new novel at his usual coffee table spot, and me sketching him once more. I had observed his face well enough that I didn't even have to look at him to make an accurate sketch now. This time I drew him smiling, because he always looked so... precious when he smiled. I shook my head slightly at the thought and continued to sketch, soft breeze from the window swirling through my hair.

I lifted my head slightly and took a deep breath, smiling at the coolness surrounding me. "What are you thinking about right now?" I sighed out, opening my eyes to see Kurapika already looking at me.

"Nothing, really." He said after a moment of thought.

"Bullshit. You're always thinking about something."

The blonde chuckled. "What do you mean by that?"

"You're an over thinker. I can tell."

Kurapika scoffed and looked back to his book. "My lady, if you knew everything about me, would you still not understand me?"

"I never said I understood you, you're way too complicated for that..." I said, mumbling the last bit just loud enough for the hunter to hear me.

I had looked back to my sketchbook when Kurapika spoke once more. "... How intriguing."


"You didn't correct me. I called you my lady and you didn't correct me."

I paused for a moment, smiling at my sketch of the blonde. "I suppose it's growing on me."

"So you've finally given up on, 'goddess divine?'"

I let out a breath of amusement. "Well, you're still welcome to call me that whenever you feel fit."

"I'll keep that in mind." The blonde voiced in an amused tone, making my smile widen.

A gust of breeze flew into the room once again, blowing my sketchbook's pages. I felt my eyebrows furrow as flipped through four pages, all of them having different drawings of Kurapika. The first was the one I drew of him across the room, and the second was when he was sitting on my bed. The third was the one that really shocked me, a portrait of the blonde looking incredibly sad with his grey eyes staring right at me. I quickly flipped back to the fourth, my flushed face trying to shove away the fact that I had drawn my hunter on multiple occasions simply because I found him enthralling.

It's not like it means anything, I just spend too much time with him is all.

"(y/n)? You look a bit unwell." Kurapika said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

My head shot up to him and I closed my sketchbook. "What? Hm, no. I'm just feeling a bit tired is all, sorry." I fumbled, placing the sketchbook on my bedside table.

"I see... perhaps we should both go to sleep, I suppose it has gotten rather late." He suggested, calmly closing his book and beginning to leave my room.

"Dream of me!" I called to him, smiling whimsically.

He smiled back at me, the same smile I had drawn. The same smile I had grown to love in merely three weeks. "Until tomorrow, my lady."

. . .

The next morning I woke up bright and early, looking forward to the day ahead of me. I had plans to take my hunter to the library in our village, and the idea of spending time with him in one of my favorite places was making me very happy. I braided my hair and danced to my closet, picking out a simple red dress.

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