Chapter 83 - Welcome to The Troupe

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I was frozen once again, this time met with two people I hardly recognized. One of them had short blonde hair and looked rather brooding, dressed in a dark green track suit. The other had a large pony tail that resembled a pineapple or something, his eyebrows droopy as he looked down to me. "I don't think she knows who we are. How sad." He remarked, taking slow steps towards me as if he wasn't at all worried about me making a run for it.

"Come on now doll." The blonde added, his tone sounding more demanding than the one with the pony tail.

"Who are you guys?" I asked, trying to stand up a bit taller and look intimidating.

I don't think it worked.

The dark haired one half smiled, as if he had seen something funny that he shouldn't be laughing at. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't know if you can tell, but I'm not really in a good mood today, and I'm expecting someone. So leave." I commanded.

I don't know why I'm telling them to leave as if I'm staying here, because you can bet your ass as soon as I get the chance I'm out of this sick town.

"Good effort." The blonde said, extending his arm in an all too familiar way.

Oh shit.

. . .

Cold. I feel cold. Where's Kurapika? Did he roll over?

I opened my eyes, but didn't see much, my half-unconscious state trying to process everything around me.

Unfamiliar things everywhere, sensations, objects, people.

Wait, this isn't a dream.

I inhaled sharply and jerked back, hitting a large cement pillar that I seemed to be chained to. I muttered a profanity and scattered to my feet, backing up into the pillar and squinting my eyes at the figures.

They were standing in front of an open wall, light shining through and illuminating only the backs of their bodies, leaving them completely dark and faceless.

Eight. There are eight figures. Three of them are shorter, but not children, probably women. The others are taller, likely all men.

Alright, think (y/n).

It's colder and it's not raining, so it's probable that I'm far away from Glam Gas Land, closer to the North by Pethmers, where there's snow.

That explains why it's cold, even if there's no snow here.

So I'm far away. And these silhouettes are definitely not my friends.

"Who are you." I said.

No, don't say that. I don't care who these shithead's are, I just want out.

"What am I doing here." I added, struggling a bit against the handcuffs that bound me to the pillar.

Once of the taller ones began to walk towards me, sending shivers down my spine. "How was the book? Did you find it to your liking?" He asked.

"I'm starting to think you have the wrong person." I answered.

"No, unfortunately I'm quite certain I don't." He responded, taking a few more steps towards me until he was illuminated by the dim sunlight.

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