Chapter 73 - Difficult Loving

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"Hey, dopey."

I felt my eyes shoot up and my head immediately regret it, groaning and wishing I hadn't drank so much. "Who the fuck are you?" I questioned, leaning back into the wall. "I don't like blondes. So you can go away."

"... It's me, dumbass. I came back for you."

"I don't like the way you're speaking to me. Now if you'd excuse me I need to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?"

"The hunter who used his chains on douchebag guy. He's mine. He's my person."

"... He's, your person?"

"Yeash. But he's a dick."

"... (Y/n), it's me. Kurapika. Come here."

That sounds like lemon.

"You're ruining the vibe. Just like Nobby."

"Who's Nobby?"

"I don't- Kurapika?"

I pulled my heavy eyes open and gazed upon my hunter, who was just so pretty. "Kurapika!" I exclaimed, running and stumbling into him.

He caught me and I embraced him, shoving my face into his chest. "I thought you were leaving me forever because you don't love me and you're a duck also I drunk some funny..."

"... Funny?"

"Funny juice! Geez you intercepted me I w-wasn't even done!" I spat.

Kurapika raised an eyebrow at me. "Leorio wasn't lying, was he-"

"Fuck Oerio! That man tried to make me into like a lawyer— a gymnast. Kurapika you have pretty eyes, did you know?"

Kurapika's sighed and held me closer to him. "You're a mess. Let's go sit down."

. . .

I was now sitting on a large couch with Leorio and Kurapika on either side of me. They were letting me sputter out, ranting about pretty much everything I could while they watched me.

I was crying now, though I'm not really sure I remember why.

"Why are you so beautiful?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around my hunter and staring at his face. "Do you know how much I— look at your face? It's a lot and I'm like it and um can I have a kiss?"

Leorio was laughing and Kurapika was gazing down to me, his eyebrows high. "You're not going to remember any of this tomorrow." He said.

I gasped and slapped him across the face, feeling more tears parade out of me when Leorio started hollering with laughter. "Shut up! You left me because you are in love with a spider more than me and that's ssstupid! Why? I just want you to be with me? No! Because you're a stupid stupid hunter who— smeels like— pine... I want a kiss your eyes are pretty."

Kurapika sighed. "I can't kiss you when you're like this."

"But I want to be like the man~" I said, climbing further on top of Kurapika.

"The man?"

"Yes! Chain me up too!" I exclaimed, bringing my wrists together and shoving them near Kurapika's face.

He stayed silent, his mouth parted and eyes wide as Leorio fell over laughing. "Don't laugh I'm serious!" I pouted, pecking Kurapika's shocked lips. "I want to repopulate the Kurta clan with you! Chain me up! Use your chains on me!"

Kurapika gasped softly and Leorio's laughter grew up to a roar as he rolled around on the floor. "(Y/n)!" Kurapika whisper yelled, staring at my hooded eyes as if he were trying to scold me.

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