Chapter 57 - The Parade

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Kurapika and I reached the hotel around twenty minutes after we set out from the festival. I was excited about my book, and even more excited by the fact that Kurapika and I had properly kissed twice in one day.

To think that another chance like that will probably never come...

But boy did I get lucky.

I started humming to myself as we entered the lobby, the sudden warm air flushing through me and making me smile. "Oh, sir? Please wait."

The worker from yesterday?

"The second room is prepped and ready for one of you, sorry again for the inconvenience." The man said, handing Kurapaika another room card and smiling to us.

"Yes, thank you." Kurapika replied, continuing down the hall and to the elevator.

How could I forget all about the second room? I really assumed I'd get the opportunity to cuddle with him again? Shame on me...

"Would you like the room? Or should I take it." Kurapika asked, pressing the elevator button and looking down to me.

"You can have it, I like the first room just fine." I answered, fiddling with the book in my hands.

"Alright, I'll just get my things."


We walked to room 207 once more, Kurapika opening the door for me before beginning to pack his things. I watched in dissatisfaction, wanting to say something, but not sure what I would even say. He was on his way to the door when I finally decided to speak up. "K-Kurapika?"

He perked up and looked to me. "Hm?"

"Well, I mean maybe if you didn't want- would you want to stay here? For a bit, you know, until the parade. I, may need help with the book."

Kurapika took his hand off of the door handle and set his bag down, walking directly towards me. I swallowed, backing up slightly until I was next to the wall. "Do you really want me here for the book?" He asked, his half lidded gaze peering straight through me as he stepped closer.

I hit the wall and Kurapika placed his hand next to my neck, resting his body weight on the wall and lowering his head to match mine. I felt my face heat up as Kurapika's gaze lowered to lips, settling there with no intention to leave.

"W- I- don't you think it would be better to familiarize yourself with, the... animals..." I trailed off, my eyes falling as well.

"Do you really want me to stay for that reason?" Kurapika murmured, his voice low and intense.

"... Y-Yes."

"... Alright."

He pushed himself off of the wall and returned to his bag, pulling out his novel and sitting on the bed. I stood frozen for a moment, my back and head still on the wall as I processed what had just happened. My face felt hot, and for some reason I felt almost embarrassed at what had occurred.



I exhaled and pushed myself from the wall, clearing my throat and walking to the bed as well. I hadn't noticed just how tightly I was clinging onto the book until I let go of it, feeling blood rush to my hands as I busily turned the pages. A hirola was one of the animals that caught my eye, being a rare kind of antelope that looked quite useful.

"We are going to cross grasslands on our way to York New, right?" I asked, looking up from my book to Kurapika.

"Yes, we are."

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